  • 學位論文

從信任與風險的觀點探討網路拍賣環境之 制度性控制對交易行為的影響

The effect of institutional control on transaction behavior in online auction: An investigation from the views of trust and risk

指導教授 : 施穎偉


近年來C2C電子商務蓬勃發展,營收年年成長。但是由於網路拍賣環境交易的風險和不確定性,「信任」成為說服消費者進入這個市場的重要因素。因此,如何強化信任以及降低知覺風險是網路拍賣刻不容緩的課題。本研究選擇針對網路拍賣環境,企圖探討對拍賣成員行為控制之成效。基於組織控制理論,本研究將探討如何以特定的控制機制,透過對一般性信任和知覺風險為中介,以影響拍賣成員自願的依賴網路拍賣從事購物或是服務。本研究架構模式包括了三個變數代表不同的制度性控制機制:1.知覺的監督 2.知覺制度化的制裁 3.知覺明確的協議(條款)。首先,進行pilot study對量測工具做初步的驗證。之後,在國內知名電子佈告欄和網路拍賣討論區公佈問卷填寫訊息,透過網路問卷總共蒐集273位有網路拍賣使用經驗的參與者做為有效研究樣本。使用PLS統計分析方法來進行檢定,研究結果顯示這三種制度化之控制機制當中,以知覺制度化的制裁和知覺有明確的協議對網路拍賣之信任有顯著的影響;而知覺制度化的制裁能有效降低知覺風險;另外,一般性信任程度的增加,將可影響拍賣成員自願地去依賴網路拍賣的程度;最後,針對本研究衍生的意涵和限制做更進一步的討論。


The C2C electronic commerce has become popularity in recent years and its market grows rapidly. However, due to the transaction risks and uncertainties of the online auction environment, trust becomes a key factor that persuades consumers to enter. Therefore, how to enhance trust and reduce perceived risks is such an urgent issue. This study selected online auctions as its case and attempted to examine the effects of controlling the auction members’ behaviors. Based on the organizational control theory, this paper investigated how specific control mechanisms affect auction members’ transaction intensions on online auction through the mediation of general trust and perceived risks. The research model includes three variables which representing different control mechanisms: perceived monitor, perceived institutional sanction, and perceived exactly agreement. First, a pilot study was conducted to preliminarily validate the measuring instrument. Afterward, by online questionnaires on famous BBS and online auction discussed boards in Taiwan, the data of this study is obtained from a sample of 273 experienced online auction participants. Then the model was analyzed by partial least squares (PLS), and the results show that perceived institutional sanction and perceived exactly agreement engender trust significantly in online auction. In addition, a higher degree of general trust increases auction members’ transaction intensions on online auction. Last, implications for research and practice as well as limitations are discussed.


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