  • 學位論文


An Estimation of Population of Taiwan During the Japanese Governance Based on Prefecture and Province Jurisdiction-Related to Unifying Local Administrative Border

指導教授 : 徐茂炫


台灣日治時期的基層地方行政單位,隨著一級地方行政單位更迭而有所變化,其中又以日人初來台時變化最為激烈,在短短七年間 (1895 - 1901) 一級行政區域變化七次,尤其以1895年5月到11月變化三次最為劇烈,顯示出日人初來時對於台灣風俗習慣的不適應與台灣武力反抗之激烈。一級地方行政區劃中,1895年至1900年屬縣治時期,單位為縣、廳或民政支部;1901年至1919年屬廳治時期,單位為廳;1920年至1945年屬州治時期,單位為州或廳。二級地方行政區劃,縣治時期底下設辨務署、出張所或撫墾署;廳治時期設支廳;州治時期設市、郡、支廳。三級地方行政區劃,縣治時期設支署;廳治時期設區,州治時期設街、庄、區。四級地方行政區劃則只有縣治及廳治時期才有設街庄。但至1919年為止人口計算的單位為明鄭時期所劃分的里、堡、鄉、澳制,不設長官,因此不算是正式官方行政單位,且不同時期相同名稱的行政區域代表意義完全不同,複雜度可想而知。1920年全台行政區域大改革,設五州二廳,為今日行政區劃的基礎,正式將行政區域與人口統計的單位連結起來。本文將整理日治時期所有行政單位的沿革與變化,使台灣地方制度史有一完整且一致性的基礎。 台灣近代開發之跡,始於400年前荷據時期,但各項現代化統計資料卻晚於日治時期開始進行編纂,因此欲以近代各項統計方法驗證400年來台灣社會經濟的變遷,苦於統計資料的缺乏,一直令欲研究驗證者望之怯步。 人口變化是各項產業發展興衰的一個最重要的依據之ㄧ,但從日治時期以後台灣行政區域劃分至少出現超過二十次以上的更改變動,想要以固定一種大家熟悉的行政區域推估百年來的變化實在是有他相當的困難度。日治初期沿用自明鄭開始即使用的里堡鄉澳制度,但另一套支廳制度也同時併行,鄉鎮市公所網站有的會寫1920年前本地什麼里堡,有的會寫是什麼街庄的什麼區,兩套制度併行,或是有公所網站索性就不寫當地發展史,讓想研究早期台灣地名變化的人望文興嘆。有鑒於此,本文試著從最大地方行政單位『州』做日治時期五十一年來的行政區域人口發展,以粗劣的手法來統計,以望後續研究者能用更精確的方法討論更細一層的行政單位。


行政區劃 日治 (據) 時期


Local administrative border in Taiwan during the Japanese governance, falls along with first-degree local administration unit has the change. Comes time by the beginning of the Japanese people changes frequently. In during short seven years, there were still seven changes in the first-degree local administrative border. Especially changed by May, 1895 to November three time is fiercest. Demonstrated at the beginning of the Japanese people comes when unsuitable and the Taiwan military force revolt is intense regarding the Taiwan manners and customs. First-degree local administrative border delimit, was the county govern from 1895 to 1900, the unit is the county, the province or the civil administration branch. Was the province govern from 1901 to 1919, the unit is the province. Was the prefecture govern from 1920 to 1945, the unit is the prefecture or the province. Second-degree local administrative border delimit, the political divisions the agency, institute or caresses cultivating bureau in the province governs the time. The political divisions the subprefecture in the province governs the time. The political divisions the city, the district, the subprefevture in the prefecture governs time. Third-degree local administrative border delimit, the political divisions the subagency in the county governs the time. The political divisions the district in the province governs the time. The political divisions the town, the village, and the district in the prefecture governs the time. Only has the county and the province governs the time disvision the towns and the villages in the fourth-degree local administrative division. But to 1919 up, the population computation unit still is Li-Pao-Hsiang-Ao(里堡鄉澳) which time divided for Zheng Chenggong and did not suppose the chief executive, therefore is not the official administrative unit. The different time but the same name administrative division representative significance is completely different. Complex it can be imagined. In 1920, administrative division have a big reform in Taiwan, division five prefects and two provinces. Foundation delimits which for today administrative division.. Ceremoniously, links the administrative division and the population statistic unit. This article will reorganize the evolution and the change in administrative division in Taiwan during the Japanese governance. Tries to "the prefect" to do the local administration unit to Taiwan under Japanese rule for 51 years administrative division population development Enable the Taiwan local administrative system to have an complete and the consistent foundation.


不著撰人 (約1890)《台東直隸州丈量八筐冊》。
中央研究院歷史研究所 《日治時期警察機構沿革與分部 》 朱瑪瓏整理。
王御風 (2005)《近代台灣地方議會與領導階層之研究-以高雄市為例 (1920-1960)》國立成功大學歷史研究所碩士論文。
台中縣太平市公所 (2006)《太平市志》。
台中縣外埔鄉公所 (2004)《外埔鄉誌》。


