  • 學位論文


The Impact of Service Quality on Customer Loyalty in After School Care Centers

指導教授 : 陳靜怡


臺灣曾經造就了舉世聞名的經濟奇蹟,使臺灣社會由農業社會轉向工商業社會,安親班產業也在這種浪潮下應運而生。然而自1990年代起,臺灣新生兒數量便開始有了明顯下降,2008年金融海嘯後臺灣新生兒數量及出生率雙雙出現新低,使得安親班產業迎來寒冬期。2019年底開始爆發的COVID-19疫情更是給予這個產業沈重的挑戰。因此本研究試圖從安親班的六種班級類型(純上課班、純安親班、才藝班、單一科目班、複數科目班、保證上榜班)去確認是否存在顧客忠誠度的差異,並以服務品質的五個構面(有形性、可靠性、反應性、保證性、關懷性)找出影響顧客忠誠度的重要關鍵,期待了解家長為孩子選擇安親班時所在乎的事項。本研究針對曾經送家中孩子去安親班就讀的家長進行電子問卷調查,並將回收的問卷資料透過套裝軟體SPSS 26版進行敘述性統計分析、信度分析、相關分析、單因子變異數分析和迴歸分析,並以分析結果驗證各項假說。 根據本研究分析顯示,安親班的班級類型對顧客忠誠度有著顯著的差異。其中課程加上安親的才藝班、單一科目班、複數科目班、保證上榜班四個班級類型忠誠度最高。由此可看出臺灣社會即使經歷多年教改,對孩子的要求依然以成績至上居多,「萬般皆下品,唯有讀書高」的社會風氣至今仍難以根除。而服務品質的五個構面,有形性、可靠性、反應性、保證性、關懷性對顧客忠誠度呈現顯著正向影響。可以從中發現家長對於安親班的要求著重於建築內、外視覺效果、班內教學設備是否充足和安全、家長與孩子是否得到親切的關懷等層面上,因此本研究建議安親班業者應以上述對顧客忠誠度影響最大的特性進行改進與行銷宣傳,希望透過本研究能夠給予各位安親班業者經營上的參考與助力。


The world-famous economic boom in Taiwan led its transition from an agricultural society to an industrial and commercial society, and after-school child care classes also emerged following the trend. However, since the 1990s, the number of newborn children in Taiwan has decreased substantially. After the financial crisis in 2008, the number of newborn children and birth rate in Taiwan fell to a historic low, leading to a downturn for the after-school child care classes industry. The COVID-19 pandemic, which started in 2019, has incurred further challenges to this industry. This paper discusses the differences among 6 types of after-school child care classes, namely pure academic classes, pure childcare classes, talent classes, single subject classes, multiple subject classes, and guaranteed admissions classes, regarding customer loyalty. The key factors to customer loyalty were analyzed from the 5 dimensions of service quality, namely tangibles, assurance, responsiveness, reliability, and empathy, thereby clarifying the specific concerns of parents regarding their choices of after-school child care classes. An online survey was conducted on parents that have sent their children to after-school child care classes. The responses were examined through descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, one-way analysis of variance, and regression analysis by using SPSS 26. The research hypotheses were verified accordingly. The results revealed a considerable difference between each type of after-school clubs in customer loyalty. The customer loyalty of talent, single subject, multiple subject, and guaranteed admissions classes were particularly high. Accordingly, even after years of education reform, most Taiwanese parents have focused on the academic performance of their children; the social norm prioritizing academic performance remains to be overcome today. The tangibles, assurance, responsiveness, reliability, and empathy aspects of service quality was significantly positively correlated with customer loyalty, revealing that parents demand satisfactory interior and exterior structural appearances of after-school child care classes, sufficient and safe teaching equipment, adequate care for children and themselves. This study suggests that classes’ operators should improve and promote their after-school child care classes according to the critical factors identified in this study that influence customer loyalty.


一、 中文參考書目
江美菊(2012)。相關係數面面觀。政治大學應用數學系數學教學碩士在職專班學位論文, 1-30。
