  • 學位論文


Encountering Others: A Multicultural Geography Course Design with “ SEA”Built-in

指導教授 : 李美賢


臺灣自1980年代解嚴後,多元文化教育日益受到重視,然而多元文化教育相關的課程實施常強調文化的多元與差異,卻缺乏更深的理解,例如,在了解東南亞的課程中常見飲食的製作、服飾或節慶的展演,鮮少論及其成因;尤其在臺灣許多人民長久視「東南亞」為落後他者的心態下,呈現差異而缺乏理解背後的文化底蘊或社會脈絡,恐淪為粗淺的獵奇,這也是目前多元文化教育發展困境之一。如今,108課綱沸沸揚揚於校園上路,強調在課程中培養孩子核心素養以因應未來生活,而素養導向的課程設計如何去回應多元文化教育現今的困境呢?本研究擬定一實驗性方案,連結上述兩者並尋求解決方法。 本研究將多元文化教育帶入地理實察中,以戶外教育為方法,以東南亞移工議題為課程內容,將三者結合為一教學方案,以提問代替以往課程傳授,讓學生在生活環境及問題中學習,去充實現今教學現場多元文化教育中缺少文化能力培養與批判這一環,並且回應目前108課綱中「多元文化與國際理解」的核心素養。


After the lifting of martial law in 1980s, multicultural education in Taiwan has been emphasized more than before. However, multicultural course often focus on the cultural diversity and difference, but in lacks of deeper understanding of each culture, especially when many people in Taiwan have long considered Southeast Asia region an less-developed area. For example, in a south-east Asia course at school, students often learn how to cook local food, represent culture by wearing traditional clothes or understand the surface idea of festival, but teachers seldom explain the cultural context with deeper understanding and cognition. It’s also one of the predicaments of multicultural education in Taiwan. The 108 Curriculum guidelines is put into practice on the campus, emphasizing the cultivation of children's core competence in the curriculum to respond to future life. Is it possible to solve the current predicament of multicultural education by means of competence-oriented course? This research has developed an experimental plan that links both and seeks solutions. This research focus on three aspects: 1) involving multicultural education into the field work , 2) outdoor education as the method, and 3)bringing out the topic of migrant workers in Southeast Asia as the course content. By combining the three into one teaching plan, and with more course interaction instead of merely one-way didactic teaching, the goal is to 1) strengthen students’ learning motivation in order to solve the question in their life, 2) enrich the cultural competence and criticism in the multicultural education at the teaching which we have long been lacking, and 3) respond to the core competence of "multicultural and international understanding" in the current 108 curriculum guidelines.


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