  • 學位論文


Wandering in Shanghai: Cultural Landscape of “Shijie Fanhua Bao” in Late-Ching Dynasty

指導教授 : 楊玉成


論文摘要   本篇論文以《世界繁華報》為研究對象,意圖突顯該報在文學上的價值。探討晚清小報所呈現的文學與文化問題,在小報細節的描述之中期能挖掘其意義。論文分為五個部分: 青樓專欄從小報的瑣碎報導,試圖建構晚清報人利用報紙版面從事明星塑造。以張園的舞台為背景,分析晚清上海妓女如何成為這個城市的景觀。文學櫥窗討論青樓專欄的敘述技巧。   梨園文化對當時上海戲園爭聘京角兒的競爭,透過報紙的報導,其所反映的是傭顧制度的不完善。以報紙連載劇本是一個很特殊的現象,李伯元將當時的新聞改編成「新編時事新戲」,劇本搭上流行的維新主題,在有意無意之間,以充滿遊戲的筆調,訴說這時代獨特的氛圍。早期劇評的存在,以小報作為它發表的場域,這些零星的報導,促成日後專業劇評的出現。   報刊與小說的連載,筆者企圖勾勒當晚清小說作品以報刊作為載體時所產生的變化。新聞與文學之間的交織、小報專欄與文學作品兩者的互文關係以及晚清作家如何在這個要求快速筆耕的時代,發展出一種新型小說創作方法。筆者發現在《庚子國變彈詞》、《官場現形記》小說有數則材料,來源為《世界繁華報》的專欄內容。   小報裡的眾多專欄之於李伯元而言,就如同他的文學實驗場,各種文體的創作在此交會。作家以舊的形式,承擔新的文學內容,新舊融合追求的是迎合市民階級的閱讀品味。


Abstract: This thesis aims to show the literary value of “Shijie Fanhua Bao” and observes how the literary and cultural problems presented in Late-Ching tabloids, and clarifies the meaning of the descriptions the tabloids. The thesis is divided into five parts: By using the trivial reports, the brothel columns intend to construct that how reporters in late-Ching mold actors with the layout of the printed newspapers. Also, based on Yuan Zhang’s stage, this thesis analyses how prostitutes become Shanghai landscape, and discusses the narrative of brothel columns. The news reports reveal the imperfect employment system of competition of actors in Shanghai theaters. A script in serial form in the newspaper is a special phenomenon. By adding the element of restoration, which is a popular issue of his time, Bo-yuan Li adapts the news into “Revised Operas Based on Current Events.” He narrates the unique aura of his age in a satirical way. The early fragmental theatrical comments appears in the tabloids promote the later professional theatrical commentators. The serials of novels in the newspapers illustrate that how a late-Ching writer develops a new way to compose a novel by interweaving the news and literature, and the intertextuality between tabloid columns and literary works. Several materials about “Boxer Rebellion Lyrics,”are found in the columns of “Shijie Fanhua Bao.” To Bo-yuan Li, the many columns of tabloids are like his literary experiments, blending various types of works. Ancient forms with new contents—this is how the writers cater the new citizen’s reading tastes.


