  • 學位論文


A Research on Singapore's Anti-Corruption Institutions:A New Institutionist Perspective.

指導教授 : 梁錦文


貪汙腐敗(Corruption)現今在世界各國被稱為政治癌症,是個全球性的問題,也是全世界的通病。如何在管理國家中,避免貪汙腐敗對經濟、社會所造成的強大破壞力,成為一個全世界重要的治理方向。而在相關的貪腐研究理論中,Robert Klitgaard 針對貪腐提出相關的貪腐方程式。 新加坡在殖民時期,不只經濟落後,政治的貪汙腐敗狀況層出不窮,立法和成立相關反貪機構,卻無法根除貪腐,一度使得所創立的貪汙調查局呈現半停滯狀態。然而,1959年新加坡自治後,其防治貪污、倡導廉潔的成效,成為亞洲地區和全球廉潔程度評比前幾名的國家。 本研究藉由Robert Klitgaard的貪腐方程式中,壟斷、責任和自由裁量權三個角度切入,並加入新制度論的觀點,來探討新加坡殖民時期、自治後貪腐產生的原因。首先了解各個時期的政經環境的背景、以及貪腐問題的壟斷情形、責任的承擔多寡、自由裁量權的高低等三方面;次者,討論每時期的貪腐問題的變遷和壟斷權、責任權、自由裁量權三個方面的關係;最後,探討每個時期,當權政府如何針對其背景環境與壟斷、責任與自由裁量權三個方面所衍生的貪腐,來進行政策的修改和法條的異動,並且分析是否能打擊且預防貪腐案件的發生。


貪腐 新加坡 新制度論


There are many governments in the world see as corruption the cancer in politics. It is an important global issue. Avoiding corruption to become a serious problem in the economics or society, it is an important direction of country in the world. In the study of corruption, Robert Klitgaard put forward the theory of equations generated by corruption. During the time of colonization in Singapore, it is not only poor in economy, but also corrupt in politics. The government legislated and forms an anti-corruption agency, corruption still was a serious social issues. Since Singapore self-government in 1959, Singapore government has success to eliminate corruption issues. This Study utilizes Robert Klitgaard corruption formula to examine three different aspects of corruption, i.e. monopoly, accountability, and discretion. These aspects are used to examine the periods of time from before and after in Singapore self-government. First, various periods of political and economic change, are examined, as well as the serious monopoly situation, relative lack of accountability and level of governmental discretion during each time. Second, discuss the relation of background and three aspects. Finally, analyses the authority deal with the corruption problem’s effectiveness.


Corruption Singapore A New Institutionist


一、 中文部分:
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