  • 學位論文


On the Road to Recovery--The Content and Process of Treatment Relationship in Strengths-Based Social Work Practice

指導教授 : 宋麗玉


優勢觀點社會工作為了實踐復元的理念,除一反缺失或問題取向的思考習慣,在實際協助工作上,更進一步將案主視為指導者。然此種以案主為指導者的助人關係,讓長久以來以助人專家自許的社會工作者,不管在思想或作法上都產生很大的衝擊與挑戰。本研究主要目的是想了解優勢觀點處遇模式(簡稱優點模式)處遇關係的內涵、關係發展歷程以及實務作法,並進一步探討此種關係於台灣本土的適用性。 本研究以詮釋學方法論為基底,透過立意取樣,選取具有優點模式之成功經驗的社工員,以半結構訪談大綱進行深入訪談。本研究共訪問八位社工,皆具有至少二年以上優點模式實務經驗。從其經驗中,本研究歸納出此模式的專業關係是一種為了協助案主進入關愛自己、相信自己、開放自己與活出自己之復元境界的人際連結。作為一種專業的助人連結,此關係促進案主孕育希望、正向能量、練習自主與啟動復元的機會。在雙方結伴邁向復元的過程中,最關鍵的是社工「相信有」的信念,相信案主一定有優點、有可能、有方法,從相遇時就投入信念的力量,在經歷相識、相知、相伴、相助、想挺與相惜七階段,於此漸進歷程中分別投入關心、分享、陪伴、分工合作、成全與感恩的元素,讓案主的存有越發明顯與清晰可見,也使案主能夠帶著相信、勇氣、感恩與祝福,繼續復元的道路。從陌生到默契的過程中,雙方培養出優勢取向的復元夥伴關係。與其他關係不同的是,其不只以專業為背景,更是以復元為最終目的,進而與案主發展出平等互為主體、正面雙向、情感距離靠近、互動狀態穩定、權責共承共榮、在彼此心中具份量且界限清楚有彈性的關係特色。在發展夥伴關係的歷程中,社工使用「善誘利導」策略,投入相信、關心、分享等要素,點亮復元火花,成就復元之道。 優勢觀點兼善、圓融的論點,夥伴關係兼容並蓄的特性,專業友誼看似衝突實為動態之太極平衡,正好符合華人講求「中庸」的處事態度;而其既專業又友誼的特色,也頗能符合華人重情面、講人情的準親屬關係與差序格局之特色。此外,本研究也針對夥伴關係之專業定位、助人成效等議題進行討論並提出建議。 關鍵詞:復元、優勢觀點、助人關係


復元 優勢觀點 助人關係


To achieve recovery, strengths-based social work practice focuses on reversing defect- or problem-oriented thinking habits, considering the client a guide in practical helping work. This type of helping relationship that considers clients as guides drastically affects and challenges the thoughts and practical behaviors of social workers, who have deemed themselves helping professionals. The primary objective of this study is elucidating the content, relationship development process, and practical methods of the strengths-based case management (SBCM) model to examine the suitability of this model for use in Taiwan. Based on hermeneutics, this study used purposive sampling to select 8 social workers who had successfully used the SBCM model for at least 2 years, conducting in-depth interviews by using a semi-structured interview outline. This study summarized the participant experiences and determined that the professional relationship in the SBCM model can be viewed as an interpersonal connection there to help clients recover by loving themselves, believing in themselves, being open, and living their true lives. As a professional helping connection, the relationship used in this model prompts clients to develop hope and positive energy, practice self-independence, and activate opportunities for recovery. The most crucial element of the recovery process is the social workers strongly trusting in the strengths, possibilities, and solutions that the clients can develop. The social workers foster the power of belief when they first meet their clients. During the seven stages (meeting, acquaintance, getting to know, accompanying, helping, supporting, and cherishing each other), the social workers invested elements of belief, caring, sharing, accompanying , cooperation, assisting, and thankfulness to enhance and clarify the existences of the clients. Subsequently, the clients were able to continue on the road to recovery with belief, courage, thankfulness, and blessing. Evolving from strangers to well-known partners, the social workers and clients developed a strengths-based partnership. In contrast to other relationships, this partnership targeted recovery as the ultimate goal in addition to professional provisions. In this partnership, the social workers and clients developed a positive, bidirectional relationship in which their subjectivity was equally important and each was emotionally intimate, conducted stable interactions, shared responsibilities, regarded the other as important, and defined clear and flexible boundaries for the relationship. While developing a partnership, the social workers used inspiring and guiding strategies and input elements, such as believing, caring, and sharing and so on, to encourage and assist the clients toward recovery. The strengths perspective emphasized arguments of universal benevolence and harmony, highlighting the compatibility between partners. Although a professional-based friendship appears contradictory, this relationship is actually a dynamic balance based on the concept of Taiji, conforming to the attitude discussed in the Doctrine of the Mean (Zhongyong), which is favored by Chinese people. This professional and friendly relationship matches the characteristics of the differential mode of association, emphasizing the affinity and feelings expressed in kinship-like relationships in Chinese society. Moreover, this study provided a discussion and suggestions regarding the professional orientation and helping effectiveness of the partnership. Key words: recovery, strengths perspective, helping relationship


