  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Textbooks for Elementary Education in Colonial Taiwan and Japan:The Case of Language Textbooks 1937-1945

指導教授 : 蔡清華 鍾宜興


本研究以了解1937-1945年期間國定國語教科書與台灣國語教科書之間的關聯為主要目的。從探討當時日本與台灣之「國語科」設立的先後與兩地在1937年之前的國語教科書編輯的沿革與特徵開始,進而對兩地的第四期與第五期國語教科書的主要編輯者與教材內容進行比較,並對照了其在編輯構想與教材選擇上的異同之處。綜合本研究中各項分析與兩地第四、五期國語教科書的比較結果,可以發現1937-1945年的台灣國語教科書不論在編輯資源、人材水準或教材編寫基準上,都存在著「依賴」內地國定本與「自主」編輯的兩個部分。   首先在教科書的比較部分,本研究得出1937-1945年台灣國語教科書中的「台灣自編(選)教材」與「國定本教材」呈現「7:3」的分配比例。佔有七成比例的「台灣自編(選)教材」集中在低中學年階段,以日語和生活技能習得為目的之教材,以及符合台灣情勢的軍事與南方教材為主。而取材自國定本的三成「國定本教材」則集中在中高學年,以較高難度之日本神話、歷史傳記、古典文學及軍事、實學教材為主。   台灣依賴國定本的部分,除了上述三成的教材借用之外,最主要的是在編輯技法與樣式上的直接模仿,此作法不僅是「更接近國定本」的重要手段,也節省了編輯的人力與資源,間接彌補了兩地在編輯實力上之差異。   關於台灣自主編選的部分,單從數據上看來,佔七成比例的台灣自編教材遠多於國定本的三成教材,但從其內容結構看來,台灣的自編教材隱含了兩項重要的特徵,第一是以「日本帝國」目標為優先考量的取材基準,第二是為戰爭體制下殖民地台灣所量身訂作的教材,尤其是在第五期國語教科書中新編了許多台灣專用的軍事與南洋、支那相關教材。從國定本也增加了大量軍事與外地教材的情況看來,台灣看似只是跟隨著國定本的步伐而已,但與國定本的相似度愈高,也代表強制性愈高。就動機與目的而言,越是強調配合台灣量身訂做的教材,其實才是真正具有精神制約與強制性意義的教材。   透過本研究中對於教材編排與構成之比較與討論,釐清了在總督府的統治意圖與目的外,台灣的編修課在編輯過程與教材選擇上所做的調整及其後所隱含的思維。而透過與國定本比較的過程,則更凸顯出台灣的國語教科書編輯中同時「依賴國定本」,又維持相當程度之「編輯自主」的事實。在日本與台灣國語教科書之間是否存在相互影響關係的疑問上,也間接証實了國定本第五期國語教科書在低學年階段積極參考了包括台灣與朝鮮在內之「殖民地國語教育」經驗的紀錄與例證。   是故,本研究不僅釐清了1937-1945年期間台灣國語教科書與國定本之間的關聯,也稍稍彌補了台灣殖民地教科書史中獨缺與國定本之比較研究的部分空白,亦為本研究最重要的價值與貢獻所在。


The primary purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between language textbooks used in public elementary school in Japan and in colonial Taiwan 1937-1945. It begins by discussing the approval process of “National Language” (i.e. Japanese) courses in Taiwan, and the history and characteristics of language textbooks in Japan and colonial Taiwan before 1937. Next, the editors and the contents of language textbooks for Japan and colonial Taiwan during this period will be compared and analyzed. By comparing these materials we found that there were both “dependent” and “independent” aspects to the selection of both the writers and editors, and the material itself.. First, we found that 70% percentage of the material found in Taiwanese textbooks was “made in Taiwan” while 30% was copied from textbooks used in Japan. The made-in-Taiwan materials are concentrated in grades 1-3 and they are mostly related to science and practical skills, texts for ordinary language teaching, or military-related materials (especially South Seas related and China related). The material taken from Japanese “National Language” textbooks is concentrated in grades 4-6, consisting mostly of high-level language materials, nationalistic or moral education (including history and moral education), and classic literary. The physical characteristics (including printing techniques) of textbooks in colonial Taiwan are almost completely copied from Japanese national textbooks, and so they have a superficial resemblance, the material style and edition technique (including printing technique) are almost copied from the National textbooks, so that the language textbook in Taiwan seems very similar to National textbook in out-looking. However, even though the quantity of made in Taiwan material outweighs the imported material by a significant margin, it is still based on Japanese colonial policy. By examining the nature of this material, we examine how the made in Taiwan material was intended to fulfill Japanese government policy, particularly military, and show how ideological control of language textbooks was enforced. This study uses comparative analysis of public school textbooks for Japan and colonial Taiwan in an attempt to identify factors which influenced the contents of textbooks compiled and written for use in Japan’s colony in Taiwan. These findings are intended to serve as a useful starting point for researchers to conduct a comparative study of Japanese colonial educational policies in Taiwan and Korea。


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