  • 學位論文


The social control in online auction

指導教授 : 施穎偉


近幾年來,網路拍賣的交易額持續攀升,儼然成為國內最大的電子交易市集,也成為國內消費習慣之一,隨之而來的風險承擔及信任議題,始終是探討的焦點,過去認為藉由制度化的機制控制,可以降低風險及提升信任,除此之外,以社會觀點出發的社會控制(Social control),卻少有學者探討;故本研究經由社會控制對網路拍賣的信任及知覺的風險之探討,是否能影響網站成員之網路拍賣的交易意願;透過網路問卷方式蒐集,研究對象為參與過網路拍賣的成員,經剔除後以301份樣本作Partial Least Squares(PLS)資料分析。研究結果發現:「知覺的一般性互惠」、「知覺的回饋」及「知覺的文化氛圍」可以提升網路拍賣的信任,而知覺的一般性信任愈強,愈能增加網站成員的交易意願,另外,對於知覺風險的關係探討,知覺的回饋愈高,反而愈增加網站成員所承受的風險;當知覺的風險愈高,網站成員的交易意願愈強烈;這都和過去許多學者研究有所不同,也使得網路拍賣的議題研究愈值得讓人一探究竟。本研究最後有討論相關的研究限制及後續研究方向。


Online auction has become the most popular market for electronic transaction; however, the issues of trust and risk also come along with the growing volume. Previously, many researches indicated that control plays an important role in C2C transaction, but most of those researches were discussing the effects of the institutional control rather than the social control. Hence, this study attempts to examine the effects of social control on auction members’ behavior. The social control can be classified as three parts: generalized reciprocity, feedback, and macroculture. The data which comprises 301 valid responses were tested by Partial Least Squares (PLS) method. This research reaches three main conclusions. First, the results indicate the three parts of social control, the perceived generalized reciprocity, perceived feedback and perceived macroculture, can raise the trust in the auction. Second, trust can increase the intention of transaction behavior. Finally, I find that the feedback raises the risk perception. However, this risk can increase the intention of transaction behavior.


一、 中文部份
1. 王志宏(2003),社會網絡對旅行業間策略聯盟績效影響之研究,私立中國文化大學觀光事業研究所。
2. 王宜敏(2001),影響資訊人員知識分享行為之因素―以社會交換理論為基礎來探討,國立中山大學資訊管理學系。
3. 李定家(2000),網路購物之降低風險策略研究, 國立中央大學資訊管理學系。
