  • 學位論文


A Study on Teachers' Rettentional Difficulities and Coping Strategies in Remote Areas-Case of Act for Education Development of Schools in Remote Areas

指導教授 : 黃源銘


近年來,我國對於偏遠地區教育的發展十分重視,而在偏遠地區教育之相關議題中,最受關注的便是師資問題,因此,我國也專門為了偏遠地區訂定《偏遠地區學校教育發展條例》,希望能因此改善偏遠地區教育的問題。本研究以2017年所訂定之《偏遠地區學校教育發展條例》為中心,探討偏遠地區教師的留任問題在《偏遠地區學校教育發展條例》實施前後,是否因此有所改善。 研究結果發現《偏遠地區學校教育發展條例》實施後的成效並不顯著,然而,《偏遠地區學校教育發展條例》實施的時間不長,條例中某些策略可能需要長時間的執行才能顯現出其預訂之成效,故尚有需要長期持續觀察之處。最後,研究者就研究結果提出建議,以作為未來推動偏遠地區教育相關活動之參考。


In recent years, our country attaches great importance to the development of education in remote areas. Among the issues related to education in remote areas, the most important concern is the issue of teachers. Therefore, our country has also formulated the Act for Education Development of Schools in Remote Areas. specifically for remote areas. It was to be hoped that the problem of education in remote areas would be improved as a result. This study focuses on the Act for Education Development of Schools in Remote Areas, as established in 2017. To explore whether the retention of teachers in remote areas has improved since before and after the implementation of the Act for Education Development of Schools in Remote Areas. The results of the study found that the effect of the Regulations on the Act for Education Development of Schools in Remote Areas was not significant. However ,the Act for Education Development of Schools in Remote Areas. have not been in effect for a long time. Some of the policies in the regulations may take a long time to implement to show the effectiveness of their bookings,there is therefore a need for long-term continuous observation. Finally, the researchers made recommendations on the results of the study as a reference for future activities to promote education in remote areas.


The News Lens 關鍵評論(2015年9月24日)。「把老師還給學生」教育部統合視導項目多又雜 宜縣、中市全面拒辦【新聞群組】。取自https://www.thenewslens.com/article/25286
The News Lens 關鍵評論(2017年11月2日)。偏鄉找「專聘教師」卻要求教師證,還有「不山不市」的學校你聽過嗎?【新聞群組】。取自https://www.thenewslens.com/article/82530
