  • 學位論文


The Role of University-Industry Collaboration in Patent Development of Health Foods : An Example of Antrodia Cinnamomea

指導教授 : 陳靜怡


良好的產學合作模式,不僅可以整合學校與企業的資源,並且可使產學雙方在合作的基礎上互蒙其利及創造雙贏。生技醫療產業有價值鏈長、風險高、高研發成本等特性,在產品上市前生技醫療公司將所有研發投入多以「費用」形式列帳,儲存在階段性的開發成果中。公司藉由專利權取得來保護智慧財產進而鞏固其研究成果。當智慧財產若經過通盤妥善的規劃經營與管理,將讓企業擁有競爭優勢籌碼。 本研究利用專利檢索與個案分析來了解健康食品中牛樟芝產業專利佈局的情況、技術領域現況及發展,探討產學合作在健康食品牛樟芝專利權發展所扮演的角色,結果發現自2012年開始每年都有超過45件專利取得,顯示逐漸進入產品生命週期的高峰,其中經由產學合作取得專利權的比重超過三分之一,且主要是往醫學癌症投入研究與發展。 牛樟芝為台灣本土的特有種,是一種昂貴的藥用真菌,經實驗研究證實牛樟芝富含多醣體和三萜類,對於抗癌、抗發炎、降血壓、抗氧化具有功效。為了提升台灣牛樟芝研究產值,整合產官學合作並加速研究成果的技術轉移,提升產業研發創新能力是各相關部會重要政策之一。


A good cooperation mode not only integrates resources of industry and university, but also maximizes their mutual benefit. Biotech medical industry has following characteristic such as long value chain, high-risk, high cost of research and development. Biotech medical company is accounted for mostly the form of “expense” products to the market. The company will consolidate its research achievements by the protection and management of intellectual property. Based on appropriate planning and management, companies can keep a stronger competitive advantage. This study adopt acase study of Antrodia Cinnamomea to use patent search and patent analysis so as to understand the situation of current patent portfolio, technology mainstream development within the Antrodia Cinnamomea industry. We further explore the role of university-industry collaboration in patent development of Antrodia Cinnamomea. The results showed that since 2012, every year more than 45 patents obtained, showing a peak gradually into the product life cycle, which is granted a patent by the University-Industry Collaboration accounted for more than one-third, and mainly to investment in research and development of cancer medicine . Antrodia Cinnamomea is an expensive medicinal fungus, a unique species in Taiwan. Many studies have confirmed that Antrodia Cinnamomea is rich in polysaccharides and triterpenoids that have medicinal effects in anti-cancer, anti-inflammation, antihypertensive and anti-oxidation. In order to enhance the research value of Antrodia Cinnamomea, integration of industry, government, academic and research cooperation and to accelerate research achievements transfer, industrial research and innovation to enhance the relevant ministries is one of important policies.


王信智、陳淑菁 (1997)。建教教育合作方案的沿革。技術及職業. 教育雙月刊,41, 37-39。
