  • 學位論文


On the Concept of Nature and Its Transformation and Practice in Jin and Song Dynasties

指導教授 : 陶玉璞


晉宋之際,在政治、社會與玄學、隱逸之風的交互激盪之下,其士人於詩作中的展現亦是非常多元,如:求仙訪道的玄言詩、托志抒懷的隱逸詩、暢懷逸趣的遊覽詩、歸田躬耕的田園詩,而在這些詩作中不免隱含著山水風景的記述與寄託,又加以當時玄學風氣鼎盛,在這些詩作中勢必隱含著士人的寄託之情,「自然」則是當時士人欲安頓自己身心的方式。因此,本文欲探討的是士人如何以「自然」的方式來求得身心上的安頓,而實踐「自然」的方式則可透過晉宋詩作中的山水意識一一釐清。 本論文先釐清自然觀在道家、佛教中的不同指涉與意含,分別梳理出:道家的自然處順、不造作、命定的自然觀,佛教的自性、空性、無為的自然觀,再加以分析晉宋時期詩作中自然觀的表現,於此之中可見得「自然」此一詞義上的實踐與演變,亦可見得士人如何在山水中體現自然,進而安頓自己的身心。希冀能跳脫以往僅以文學表現技巧、外在環境因素、美學底蘊的藝術手法詮釋晉宋時期的詩作,而以「自然觀」的切入視角來探討士人如何以「山水」來體道、實踐道體的過程。試圖將文學作品與哲學思想作一對話與交涉,以此激盪出不同的文學面貌。


晉宋 山水意識 山水詩 自然觀


During the period between Jin and Song Dynasties, poetry represents its unique color of diversity under the interrelated influences of socio-political condition, Metaphysics, and the solitary culture. For example, Metaphysical poems explore the literati’s pursuit of deity and truth, solitary poems demonstrate the aesthetic values in poets’ life, travelogue poems narrate personal emotion toward scenery, and pastoral poems laud the aesthetic beauty of laboring in the field. These poems correspondingly convey the landscape narrative and imply poets’ spiritual substance between lines. In this case, Nature turns out to be a scheme that attunes poets’ mind and soul into a refined status. This dissertation thus aims to investigate how the literati during the period between Jin and Song Dynasties discourse Nature in poetry to appease the unrest within their mind. In so doing, it seeks to understand the imagery of landscape as a practical methodology of poets to discourse Nature. Firstly, this dissertation clarifies the diverse significances of the Concept of Nature in Taoism and Buddhism—the Taoism regards human conducts as never going against Nature, while the Buddhism refers to sabhāva, śūnya, hetu-phala, svalakṣaṇa, and asamskrta to emphasize the non-self and emptiness in the course of Nature. Secondly, this dissertation analyses the discourse of Nature in poetry between Jin and Song Dynasties and argues that the terminology of Nature transforms its significance according to its literary and philosophical practices. Through experiencing Nature via physicality and representing Nature via discourse, the literati in this period not only confront with but also transcend their mind and soul to a refined status. Furthermore, they wish to renovate poetry out of influences of the conventional literary skills, environmental factors, and aesthetical values. Through the Concept of Nature, this dissertation demonstrates the process that the literati deploy the imagery of landscape (san-hsui) to undergo and put into practice knowledge and truth. It is hoped that the interplay of literature and philosophical concept in this dissertation brings forth an unconventional reading of texts of Jin and Song Dynasties.


