  • 學位論文


An exploration of caregiver's stress and coping experiences on attempted suicider

指導教授 : 蕭文


本研究旨在探討自殺未遂主要照顧者照顧之壓力經驗與因應內涵,包括自殺未遂者其主要照顧者提供之照顧情形、顧經驗中所遭遇的壓力,以及面對壓力情境中的因應。 本研究採用質性研究中的深度訪談法蒐集資料,共訪談四位自殺未遂其主要照顧者,訪談後針對所蒐集到的資料進行分析,並綜合歸納整理四位研究參與者訪談資料之異同,並呈現之。研究結果呈現如下: 一、自殺未遂者其主要照顧者提供之照顧情形如下: 在積極關心方面,主要照顧者藉由主動關心、敏銳個案身心狀況,以及提供情緒支持;在積極介入方面,協助醫療安排,以及提供自殺未遂者照顧、環境或社福資源;在心理建設:對自殺未遂者勸說不要輕生、開導自殺未遂者,以及教導自殺未遂者獨立。 二、自殺未遂其主要照顧者照顧經驗所遭遇的壓力如下: 在生理壓力經驗包括:抵抗力減低、沒有食慾、體力減弱、疲憊與倦怠;在情緒壓力經驗方面呈現:心靈不安定、反移情狀況、低落與難過,以及緊張與焦慮;影響日常生活包含:干擾生活作息、干擾課業、生活束縛,以及影響家庭關係;在PTSD傾向出現經驗再現、半夜驚醒、對聲音敏感。在認知壓力經驗上,包括責任感、退縮想法,以及負向自我概念。 三、自殺未遂其主要照顧者面對壓力情境中的因應如下: 在積極主動方面包括:尋求社會資源、掌握照顧訊息,以及調整自我與生活方式;在情緒管理方面則為:消極逃避情緒以及積極抒發情緒;在正向思考上包含:正向解釋以及正向信念;在運用個人優勢特質上有:表現堅強個性、發揮樂觀態度、沉著鎮靜特質,以及運用自身相關專業知識;在掌握個案訊息方面包括:隨時掌握復原狀況,以及積極預防。 最後,研究者根據上述研究結果加以討論,並根據此結果提供其他自殺未遂主要照顧者參考,並建議自殺防治相關單位、社區心理衛生機構、社福單位提供服務之參考,以及未來研究者之參考依據。


The purpose of this study is to probe into the stress experiences of attempted suiciders’ major care-givers and the content of their copings. Issues including the care, stress, and copings were investigated. In this study, in-depth interview of the qualitative research method was applied to collect research data. A total of 4 major care-givers are interviewed. The major findings are listed as follows: 1.The conditions which the major care-givers provided included Constructive care: positive care, sense to care-takers’ mental and physical status, and emotional support. Constructive intervention: arrangement of recovery, and resource access. And psychological construction: Dissuading from suicide, enlightenment, and encouragement to independence. 2.The stress which major care-givers were faced included Physical stress: Immunity declined, appetite loss, physical vigor fell, tired and exhausted. Emotional stress: unstable, counter-transference, down, loss, nervous and anxious. Irregular daily life: Routine disarranged, schoolwork interrupted, constrained, and family relationship influenced. PTSD tendency: Experience evoked, vigilance, and extremely sensitive to noise. And cognitive stress experience: responsibility, withdrawn thought, and negative self-concept. 3.Copings of the major care-givers in stressful situations included Positive acts: Looking for social resource, collecting care information, and adjust self and life style. Mood management: Destructively avoid emotions, and constructively release from emotions. Positive thinking: Positive interpretation and beliefs. Using personal advantage characters: Being strong, positive, calm and apply their own professional knowledge. And commanding client’s information: always controlling client’s recovery, active to prevent. Finally, based on the above research findings, suggestions were proposed as a reference for other attempted suiciders’ major care-givers, policy makers, suicide prevention, social welfare institute and follow-up studies.


