  • 學位論文


Comparison of Science Textbooks for Junior High School in Taiwan and Mainland China

指導教授 : 張源泉


本研究旨在比較台灣與中國大陸自然教科書中物理相關內容。版本的選擇,臺灣採用康軒版國中自然教科書,中國大陸則採用上海教育版的物理教科書。研究所採用的方法為內容分析法與比較研究法,分析的範圍包括兩岸課綱中物理學科內容之異同,以及兩岸教科書中物理章節內容之異同。本研究的結果如下: 一、 以台灣課綱而言:特別強調「技術」,以用來適應未來新生活與改善環境。將自然分成一大領域,因此跟其他領域甚少交集。希望學生能夠提高探索科學的興趣,由內而外的培養科學素養。授課時數約為82~122時。 二、 以中國大陸課綱而言:中國大陸則特別強調「應用」,以用來提高工作效率。雖分科教學,但注重學科間的滲透。希望學生擁有將科學服務於人類的志向,是由外而內的培養科學素養。授課時數為136時。 三、 以康軒版教科書而言:章節編排設計可以說是人類物理科學史的發展。注重知識的闡述,故提及的相關概念較完整,對於技術或科技的「應用」著墨較少。實驗部分會將結論整理列點出來,扼殺學習者的歸納與解決問題能力。課外補充只是單純的將物理名詞作詮釋,對學習幫助不大。注重公式的運用與理解。注重於現象的變化,透過前後的比較找出其變因,故教科書中流程圖次數出現很多。生活化例子較少,用以補充說明與釐清概念。 四、 以上海版教科書而言:章節編排混亂而無規律,未考慮到學前知識對學習者之影響。注重技術的「應用」,對於「知識」的闡述介紹較少。實驗前先做假設預測,將結果歸納後並與假設對照進行修改,培養其科學素養。課外補充介紹比較詳細深入,但取材較為老舊。注重現象的認知與工具的實用性,故教科書中流程圖出現次數少。生活化例子用以區別功能與了解實用性質。


This study aimed to compare Taiwan and mainland China natural physical textbooks related content. Version selection, Taiwan Kang Hsian country using natural textbooks, China adopts Shanghai Physical Education Edition textbook. Methods to is content analysis and comparative study, similarities and differences between the two sides, including the scope of the analysis classes in physics lesson content, as well as the physical similarities and differences between the two sides chapters of textbooks. The results of this study are as follows: First, Taiwan lesson outline terms: special emphasis on "technology" in order to adapt to a new life and improve the environment in the future. The naturally into a large area, so other areas with little intersection. Students are expected to improve the exploration interest in science, culture from the inside out scientific literacy. Teaching hours is about 82 to 122. Second, the Chinese mainland in terms of lesson Gang: China is special emphasis on the 'Apply' to be used to improve efficiency. Although the subject teaching, but pay attention to penetrate disciplines. Students are expected to have the science to serve human ambition is to develop scientific literacy from the outside and inside. Teaching hours is 136. Third, Kang Hsian textbook terms: Chapter layout design can be said that the history of the development of human physical sciences. Emphasis on elaborate knowledge related concepts mentioned it more complete, for technical or technology "application" dwells less. Conclusion sorting out the experimental part will point out; stifle learner induction and problem-solving abilities. Extracurricular supplement will simply interpreting physical terms, learning little help. Focus on the use of formulas and understanding. Focus on change phenomenon by comparing before and after its change due to find out, so a lot of times in textbooks flowchart. Examples of daily life less to supplement and clarify concepts. Fourth, the Shanghai edition textbook terms: Chapter organized chaos without rules, not taking into account the impact of pre-knowledge of the learners. Focus on technology "applications," explained the "knowledge" of the presentation is less. Before the experiment do first hypothesis predicts, after the results are summarized and assuming control to modify, develop their scientific literacy. Extracurricular supplement describes in more detail in depth, but drawn more old. Focus on the phenomenon of cognitive and practical tools, the less the number of textbooks flowchart appear. Daily life examples to understand the difference between functional and practical in nature.




劉小鈴(2016)。台灣與中國國中自然教科書之內容分析比較 ―以酸鹼鹽單元為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201600544
