  • 學位論文


Performance Analysis of Convolutional Denoising Autoencoder with BatchNormalization

指導教授 : 陳文雄




Noise causes great problems in image recognition. How to restore images with noise to a better quality will be the focus of this thesis. This thesis proposes two methods to improve the existing convolutional denoising autoencoder architecture [36]. The first method adds each convolutional layer of the convolutional denoising autoencoder to batch normalization. The experiment uses gaussian noise, mask noise, and various noise intensities are analyzed through the optimizer to discuss the benefits of adding batch normalization to image restoration. The second method improves the architecture of the original convolution denoising autoencoder, changeing to a stacked convolution architecture, and adds batch normalization after each convolution layer. The three architectures are compared and analyzed. Finally, CNN does the identification. This thesis conducts experiments on data sets such as MNIST, MHD, Cifar-10 and UTKFace, In the MNIST data set, both methods are better than the image quality restored by the original architecture. The test accuracy of the CNN recognition results is slightly improved. In the MHD,Cifar-10 and UTKFace datasets, the test accuracy of the CNN recognition has been significantly improved, and the quality of restored images has been improved.


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