  • 學位論文


Performance Analysis of Convolution Layers in Capsule Networks

指導教授 : 陳文雄




In the past, convolutional neural networks have always had excellent performances to the recognition tasks in the computer vision field. Convolutional neural networks are composed of convolutional layers, pooling layers, and fully connected layers. In particular, convolutional layers are important in convolutional neural networks. It is mainly to capture different features for subsequent classification. The capsule network proposed by Hinton scholars in 2017 is a neural network model based on a new vector concept and dynamic routing algorithm. The architecture in original paper uses a two-layer convolutional layer. To improve the accuracy of capsule network recognition, whether the number of convolutional layers is the key is an experiment in this thesis.Three experiments are carried out in this thesis: (1) Capsule networks with one-to-multi-layer convolutional layer architectures have similar parameters. Convolutional neural networks (two-layer convolutional layer and two-layer pooling layer) have more parameters than capsule networks. Is there a pooling layer? The effect of the verification is better. The change and analysis of the verification accuracy rate are also compared and the comparison and analysis of the test accuracy rate; (2) Capsule network and convolutional neural network (2-layer convolutional layer and 2-layer pooling layer convolutional neural network) compare different convolution sizes (3×3), (5×5), (7×7), (9×9) for test accuracy comparison and analysis; (3) Capsule network Visualize the feature map of a specific structure, and fine-tune the 16 dimensions of the digital capsule layer to reconstruct a picture similar to the original image, which means that the capsule network has learned all the meanings in the dimensions, through visualization, the mystery of the capsule network can be understood more clearly.


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