  • 學位論文


The Sensational Structure of Death and Disease in Ye-Qing's Poetry

指導教授 : 陳正芳


葉青為九○年代的新興詩人,同時也是極具個人意識的創作者。本論文主要是透過葉青的感覺結構去折射出詩人世代、自殺氛圍、同志書寫三個面向,試圖重新探討作者已死的概念,以及民國九O年代對自殺作家群的影響,社會氛圍透露出自殺可能不僅僅是個人的行為與思想,更是時代下的一個特殊標誌。然而,在創傷的書寫上,都可看出這些作家們對於死亡有別於一般人。葉青於詩中的主體不時處於崩壞的狀態,如同她的家庭背景、感情狀態、疾病階段、生活模式等等,經由這些因素,甚或可以瞭解她的全然獻身以及詩中的意涵。葉青生命的擴展來自於文學文本的吸收,本文也試圖從她最喜歡的兩個作家—邱妙津、夏宇切入,在女同書寫的範圍內,情感、認同的問題一一浮現,在後現代的氛圍中,模仿夏宇的書寫模式中,葉青竟也走出自己的頹廢風,從這些物質與生活的密不可分中,觀看出葉青如何消極的抵抗這個社會。 詩人之死反而造就詩之生,崩壞的主軸不斷在她身邊盤旋,她始終濕淋淋的,這一切幾乎都對於所愛之人的奢求,回歸至詩人最初與最終的信念,這些痛與傷皆建築在愛的基底上,所以她說:「自己的詩刪去贅詞只剩三個字:『我愛你』。」我們可以她所遺留下詩集(也是遺書),釐清生命的各個面向,最後再以紀念葉青的詩去重構她的樣貌,直到現在,葉青的臉書依然不時有人回應,化為灰燼的她,想必仍用她的方式,溫柔的包圍這個世界。


葉青 死亡 後現代 疾病書寫 感覺結構


Ye-Qing is a not only an emerging poetess in the 2000s, but also a considerable ego-consciousness creator. This study is based on Ye-Qing’s sensational structure to project three perspectives - poet generation, suicide atmosphere and homosexual writing. In attempt to discuss the writers are dead concept and the impact of those suicide writers. The social atmosphere revealed that suicide is more than the behavior of individuals and ideas. It’s also a special symbol of that time. However, by reviewing the trauma writing, it can be seen these writers have different thoughts toward death. In Ye-Qing’s poetry, from time to time, the subject is in the status of collapse. It comes like her family background, relationship status, stage of disease, lifestyle and so on. Through these facts, her complete dedication and the meaning in her poetry can almost be understood. Ye-Qing expended her life by the absorption of literary. This study also tries to analysis Ye-Qing’s favorite writers - Qiu Miao-Jin and Hsia-Yu. In the range of lesbian writing, emotion and identification problem emerge. In post-modern atmosphere, Ye-Qing imitated Hsia-Yu’s writing. Ye-Qing went out of the decadent style. The society was tied with the substance closely. How passively Ye-Qing resisted it can be observed. The death of the poet creates the birth of the poem. The collapse of the spindle constantly hovered around her. She is always wet, and almost all of this is the extravagant desire for the person she loved. In return to the first and last poet's belief that these pains and injury are built on a base of love. So she said "delete those superfluous words, what will leave are only three words, I love you. The poetry (or say posthumous writing) she left, clarify all respective of her life. In the memory of Ye-Qing’s Poetry to construct her look. Until now, from time to time, people leave messages on Ye-Qing’s Facebook. Though Ye-Qing has turned into ashes, she is still using her own way, to surround the world gently.


葉 青:《下輩子更加決定》(台北:黑眼睛文化事業,2011)
葉 青:《雨水直接打進眼睛》(台北:黑眼睛文化事業,2011)
葉 青:〈橘子〉,《衛生紙+》13期(台北:黑眼睛文化事業有限公司,2011年
