  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Risk Management and Evaluation Practices of Personal Credit Scoring System of a Bank

指導教授 : 陳建宏


摘要 銀行之經營,主要係以所收受之客戶存款、自有資本及向外借入之資金從事放 款,做為其收入之主要來源。基於銀行資金得以在兼顧安全性、收益性及流動性 原則下有效運用,遂有放款理論的發展,本論文以個案研究方式,以個人授信為 主且絕大部分集中在以提供土地、房屋為擔保之房屋貸款,其原因自1997 年亞 洲金融風暴發生之後,受國內房地產低迷、經濟衰退及921地震等影響,個人授 信違約情形日趨攀升,對於以往授信所考量之因素及評估方法有再定期檢討之必 要,故提供三個案研究發生逾期原因,並產生顛覆一般傳統授信經驗樣態及以刻 意建立假資料而讓金融機構相關系統降低戒心而疏於主動防範導致損失,經過相 關檢討利弊得失原因及分析並參考本次研究對象之銀行逾放比率變化與訪談該專 業管控單位案例及意見後,採取系統及人工簽核雙授信流程管控,提供其他金融 機構在承做個人授信案件時能有所因應與調整。


Abstract The operation of the bank is mainly based on the deposits received from customers, self-owned and externally borrowed funds for lending, as the main source of income, based on the principle of bank security, profitability and liquidity. Under the effective use of the theory, the development of the theory of lending, this paper is based on case studies, mainly based on personal investment and most of the focus is on providing land and housing as a secured home loan, the reason since the 1997 Asian financial turmoil Due to the low-level domestic real estate, economic recession and the 921 earthquake, the personal credit default situation is on the rise. It is necessary to review the factors and assessment methods of the past credit review. Therefore, the reasons for the overdue of the three cases are provided and generated. Subverting the traditional experience of traditional investment letters and deliberately establishing false information to reduce the risk of financial institutions' related systems and neglecting to prevent losses, after reviewing the pros and cons of the pros and cons, and analyzing and referring to the bank's over-receiving ratio change After interviewing the case and opinions of the professional control unit, adopt the process to control other integrations. Institutions can respond and adjust when they undertake personal investment cases.


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