  • 學位論文


Research on the reform of the policy of private higher education and management system in China -A case study of Jiangzhe area.

指導教授 : 楊瑩


論文名稱:中國大陸民辦高等教育政策改革與管理體制之研究-以江浙地區為例 校院系:國立暨南國際大學比較教育學系 頁數:340 畢業時間:2008年7月 學位別:教育碩士 研究生:許智傑 指導教授:楊瑩 博士 論文摘要 本研究旨在探討中國大陸自改革開放後,其民辦高等教育的發展、政策改革重點與相關法規,並以江浙地區(江蘇省、浙江省與上海市)民辦高校的管理體制和辦學模式為主要的研究範圍。 本研究所採方法以文件分析法、深入訪談法與比較研究法為主;除對研究案例學校進行實地參訪外,並以半結構式訪問大綱針對大陸地區民辦高校領導及此領域相關學者進行訪談。 本研究的主要結論如下: 一、民辦高教歷史雖稱久遠,但在文革後才開始復興,且其發展並非呈直線持續成長,而是常因政府態度、社會經濟發展與學校實際辦學情況有所起伏。 二、政府對民辦高等教育的態度由從旁的支持鼓勵朝向積極的規範管理,並將發展重心轉移到以舉辦正規學歷教育的民辦高效與獨立學院上。 三、江浙地區民辦高等教育的法規係以中央所發布《民辦教育促進法》為母法,然而各地的政策法規強調的重點各有不同。 四、江浙地區政府對於民辦高等教育的執行措施雖有共同特色,但各地仍有差異。 五、民辦高等教育在中央與地方政府行政機構皆設有其專責單位,而各地專責單位的管理權限不一。 六、江浙地區民辦高等教育的辦學模式多元,獨立學院與民辦高校發展規模比例大致相當,至於民辦高校中則以民營企業模式最常見,約佔六成。 七、江浙地區民辦高校辦學經費來源幾乎全靠學生收費,兼職教師比例較大。 八、江浙地區民辦高校的辦學目標以培養學生技術應用能力為主。


Title of Thesis:Research on the reform of the policy of private higher education and management system in China -A case study of Jiangzhe area. Name of Institute:Department of Comparative Education, National Chi Nan University Page:340 Graduation Time:07/2008 Degree Conferred:Master of Education Student Name:Hsu, Chih Chieh Advisor Name:Dr. Chan, Ying Abstract: This study, by adopting the methods of document analysis, intensive interview, and Bereday’s comparative study, mainly aims to explore the development, related laws or regulations, policy reform and the management of private higher education in Mainland China in general , and on the case studies on the private higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Jiangzhe region (including the following three areas: provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and Shanghai metropolitan city), in particular. The main conclusions can be summarized as follows: 1. Although private higher education has a long history in mainland China, it has grown after the end of the Cultural Revolution, and its expansion has been depended upon the attitudes of the government, socio-economic development and the actual situation of private higher education. 2. The attitude of the Chinese government towards private higher education has been shifted from the indirect encouragement to direct regulation and control, and its focus has been placed on the provisions entitled to the confer of the academic qualifications. 3. The laws and regulations in different areas vary with their actual situations, but all of them are based upon the laws promulgated by the central government. 4. Provisions of private higher education in the three areas of the Jiangzhe region have their own common characteristics, but differences still exist. 5. A special office responsible for the development of private higher education is established no matter in the level of the central government or local governments, but the power of the offices in different areas varies. 6. In the Jiangzhe region, the organizational and operational patterns of private higher education institutions are diversified, and 60% of the independent HEIs, which accounted for half of the total private HEIs in the region, are operated by the private enterprises. 7. Tuition fees are the main source of the income of the private HEIs in the Jiangzhe region, and their faculty staff are employed mostly on the part-time basis. 8. The private HEIs in the Jiangzhe region mainly aim to cultivate their students with the training of skilled manpower.




