  • 學位論文


Robot Fish with Video/Image Processing Application and Remote Control System

指導教授 : 李佩君
共同指導教授 : 王文俊


市面上奇形怪狀的機器人很多,這些機器人也會表演各種動作,但在水中活動的機器魚卻鮮少見到。本論文的機器魚能夠以自主模式悠游及使用遙控器控制,其運動行為包括:前進、左轉、右轉、下沉及上浮,除此之外還具有自動電力偵測之功能,當電力不足時,會自動浮出水面靠岸以進行充電,讓使用者可安心的玩樂。除了可以利用遙控器使機器魚完成以上基本動作外,亦可透過魚體內部架設之攝影機,同步觀看水下的景觀;在自主模式下,不僅可利用紅外線感測器,測得障礙物的距離,達到自動避開障礙物之功能外,亦可透過內部之攝影機,將拍攝到的影像傳送至電腦,再搭配影像辨識技術,達到監控以及追蹤目標物之功能。因此,本論文設計製作一隻可遙控、自主、監視及追蹤的智慧型機器魚,此機器魚更可進一步研究改進,使其應用於國防軍事及海底探勘等方面。 本研究由兩位同學所合力完成,在本篇論文主要介紹機器魚的硬體架構,以及如何將水底無線攝影機訊號回傳至電腦端做處理,以達到監控及自主追蹤目標物的功能。機器魚的硬體架構大致分為魚體和魚尾架構,魚體架構含有:重心調整機構、沉浮機構、紅外線測距單元、控制電路、無線接收器、無線攝影機及電池,皆須具有防水功能,因此以上所有電路及零件均放置於防水艙之魚體內;魚尾架構則包含一顆伺服馬達及馬達軸心防水機構,並放置於魚尾之防水艙中。另外本論文再介紹如何應用影像處理,來監控水底狀態,或辨識目標物,最後再建立移動策略使機器魚自主追蹤目標物。


Nowadays, there have been a lot of types of robots to be developed. These robots can show many motions on the ground. However, the robot underwater is seldom designed in Taiwan since the waterproofing guarantee for the robot is very difficult. In this work, we implement a robot fish to guarantee waterproof and achieve several motions control. The robot fish can swim forward, turn left and right, sink down and float up by remote control. Furthermore, there is a camera inside the fish to look around inside the water; and if the battery is low, the robot fish can float up automatically and swim to the shore for charging. Based on the IR sensor and camera in the fish body, the fish can swim to avoid the obstacle and can transmit underwater images to PC to achieve the target tracking underwater. The hardware structure of the robot fish includes two main parts, one is the fish body and the other is the fish tail. In the watertight fish body, there are floating and sinking machinery, weight-adjusting machinery, IR sensor, control circuit board, wireless receiver, wireless camera, and batteries. The fish tail includes a servo motor and a waterproof motor axis that are placed inside of waterproof cabin. Furthermore, this thesis uses some image processing methods to recognize the target and obstacle, such that the fish can swim avoiding the obstacles and tracking the targets. This robot fish is not only a toy and it can be applied in the national defense or ocean exploration if it has more advanced developed and modified.


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