  • 學位論文


Using Smart Manufacturing to Improve Production Process of Water-Based Gel of Medical Ultrasound: Evidenced from Company T.

指導教授 : 林欣美


人力招募不易是目前台灣中小企業普遍面臨的問題。本研究利用豐田方法的自働化及看板方法結合工業4.0智慧製造將生產設備改善為具有自動化與智能化的智慧設備,來減少中小企業在生產現場對於多人工作業的需求與依賴。 運用豐田生產方式來管理中小企業生產現場,以自働化作為設備維護的機制對於提升設備生產效能及可動率大有助益,運用少人化方法及設備自動化輔助將生產現場的人力做最大化調度,對於單一生產設備只需保留最少人力進行生產。 本研究以個案T公司為例,將生產用的參數透過具有智慧化的設備自動執行,減少人為操作失誤與設備運轉的能源的損失,並經由設備自我檢知能力來預警設備問題並以大數據的概念收集各項生產參數做為日後製程良率提升改善、設備維護及未來擴廠的準備。使用智慧製造來實踐豐田生產方式,為中小企業解決在人力留任時間不長造成重複進行訓練、人力招募不易的問題。


Manpower is not easy to recruit in the current small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) in Taiwan. This study uses the method of JIDOKA and Kanban Management of Toyota Production System, assisting by the Smart Manufacturing of Industry 4.0. Production equipment upgrades to have intelligent function by the intelligent and automation so as reduce the shortage of manpower for the SMEs is the aim of the study. The study uses Toyota Production System to manage the production site of SMEs and makes JIDOKA as a mechanism for equipment maintenance. Equipment production efficiency and availability rate can rise continually. Using Flexible Manpower Line method through the automation of equipment helps the production site to maximize the manpower for better scheduling. Minimize manpower required for product production. Using this case study research of Company T as an example, it proves that automatic execution production reduces the loss of miss operation and equipment working power energy. By the equipment self-detect function can provide the benefit of early warning of equipment problems and errors. Use the concept of big data to collection of the production data can improve process and equipment maintenance, the factory expansion in the future can be organized as well. Use Smart Manufacturing to practice Toyota Production System for SMEs is helpful in solving the problem of manpower shortage and repeated cost of training.


1.大野耐一,(2014),追求超脫規模的經營 大野耐一談豐田生產方式,吳廣洋譯,中衛發展中心。
