  • 學位論文


A Study of the 100 Innoschools Management Innovation Effects

指導教授 : 翁福元
共同指導教授 : 王智弘


本研究旨在探討百大特色學校創新經營之現況與未來困境,並分析不同背景變項之特色學校教育人員對特色發展創新經營及未來困境知覺與實際運作情形之差異情形。本研究採用自編問卷,調查百大特色學校校長、行政人員及教師,有效問卷200份,經統計分析,獲得以下之調查結果: 一、 特色發展創新經營現況 (一) 大部份百大特色教育人員認為人員的異動不會影響百大特色學校創新經營的成效,但有部份學校因校長異動而產生特色發展創新經營的危機;部份學校則是因主要負責教師異動而產生危機。 (二) 校長是特色發展創新經營的重要引領者,研究結果也顯示百大特色學校中不同職務人員(校長、主任、組長、教師)中,校長對特色發展創新經營的現況及未來困境知覺最高。 (三) 大型學校對於特色發展創新經營的現況及未來困境知覺比小型學校來得高。小型學校因為教師工作較煩重、容易受到人員異動影響以及受到少子化的影響對於現況及未來發展均較不樂觀。 (四) 特色發展創新經營需要家長的支持,有家長的支持將使特色發展創新經營的推展更加順遂。 (五) 百大特色學校大多認為學校發展特色創新經營能提供學生多元創價學習機會。 (六) 大部份百大特色學校的教育人員認為特色發展創新經營不會影響基本能力的學習。 二、 特色發展創新經營未來困境 (一) 對於百大特色學校特色發展創新未來最大的困境是經費不足的問題。 (二) 特色課程師資也是特色發展的未來困境之一,因為學校的正式編制可能沒有關於特色的教學能力,學校必須外聘教師,因此,師資是特色發展的重要因素。 (三) 正式課程規定的太多,課程編的太滿,學校無暇加入特色課程。 (四) 大型學校比較持正向的觀點看待特色發展創新經營,小型學校對於特色發展創新經營知覺較低,對於困境的知覺較高。 (五) 受到升學主義的影響,學校特色發展創新經營常遇到阻力。 (六) 學校特色發展創新經營可能會有傳承上的因難,一是當主要負責人異動時就可能面臨傳承上的困境;二是受到少子化的影響,學生越來越少,特色的傳承也會面臨無人為繼的窘境。


創新經營 特色學校


The purpose of the research is to study the current status and future plight of the 100 major Specialist Schools innovation management, and analyze the different background variables of schools’ education staff: the characteristics of the development of innovative business, the plight of perception and the actual operation situation of the differences. By using a questionnaire survey, the researcher collected 200 reliable and effective data from the 100 specialist schools principals, administrative staff and teachers. The analysis shows the results below: First, current status of the Specialist School Innovation Management (1) Most of the faculties believe that transaction of staff won’t influence the management results of the Innovation Management, but some schools believe the transaction of the principal may bring crisis, while the others thinks that the crisis comes from the transaction of the teacher in duty. (2)The principal is the chief leader of the innovation management, and the results also show that compared with other faculties of the school, the principal can be aware of the future plight and have a whole view of the management most. (3) Large schools’ perception of the current status and future plight is higher than small schools. Because of the teachers’ heavy work, the impact of frequent personnel transactions, and the low birth rate, small schools are less optimistic about the current status and future development. (4) The development of innovation management needs the support of parents, and with parents' support, it will enable the management to go well and easily. (5) Most of the 100 Specialist Schools believe that development of the Innovation Management can provide students’ multiple Soka learning opportunities. (6) Most of the faculty of the 100 Specialist Schools believe that the development of Innovation Management won’t influence the learning of Basic Abilities. Second, the future plight of the development of the Innovation Management (1) The most vital problem is the budget. (2) Teachers training and development for the special courses are requires, since there are few teachers capable for the special courses now. (3) Too much of the formal course requirements, the curriculum is too full, the school is having no time to add special courses. (4) Large schools hold a positive view on the development of Innovation Management, while small schools are having less perception for the management and more for the plight. (5) The development of Innovation Management often met obstacles with the Applipdeia. (6) The development of Innovation Management may face difficulty in the descendent, reasons are: a. The personnel transaction of the main executors of the development project; b. The influence of the low birth rate. Keywords: innovation management, Specialist school


吳明清 (2001) 。教育學前跑—開放社會的教育改革。台北市:師大書苑。
