  • 學位論文


Re-politicalization in Singapore?—An Analysis on University Students’ Sense of Political Efficacy

指導教授 : 李美賢


1946到1959年,第二次世界大戰結束,新加坡脫離日本軍事統治重回英國殖民政府的懷抱。由於二次世界大戰之後,英國元氣大傷,對殖民地的掌控不如戰前,同時也因應當時新加坡當地的民情,英國殖民政府改變了其原本對新加坡的統治政策。在此時期,新加坡確立了政治制度和改變以往限制重重的選舉制度。而伴隨著政治環境的改變,人民開始感受到選舉改革所帶來的權利。同時,為了反抗殖民政府對其之不平等待遇,由勞工和學生所發起的社會運動也導致新加坡社會開始關注新加坡的政治事務。新加坡的政治事務不再如以往由殖民者和受英教育的新加坡上流社會所掌握,政治事務走入新加坡社會人群之中。因此本文藉由觀察當時新加坡社會上種種的政治化現象,將此時期視為新加坡的政治化時期。 但在1959年至1984年之間,新加坡開始有去政治化之現象。由於1965年新馬分家,使得新加坡轉眼間便面臨到生死存亡的問題,為了讓新加坡能夠在險峻的國際情勢中突圍,以李光耀為首的政府官員四處奔走,希望能替新加坡帶來一線生機。當時的新加坡政府決定以海島國家為基礎,發展金融貿易,而為了使國外企業對新加坡感到興趣,新加坡勢必得提供一個利於金融發展的社會環境,也就是穩定的社會條件和良好的生活環境。但為了達到這個目標,政府必須穩定社會秩序,因此當時的新加坡政府頒布了各種嚴刑峻法,甚至沿用殖民時期所遺留下來的內安法。嚴刑峻法雖然讓新加坡社會的秩序受到控制,但在這個過程中,人民卻也對政治事務感到冷漠和疏離,導致新加坡社會出現去政治化的現象。 而在1984年之後,高度經濟發展之後的新加坡,成功地在國際上站穩了腳跟。然而在高度的經濟發展之下,社會結構與以往不同,階級的流動和價值觀的改變以及網路資訊的發達似乎正在挑戰過去新加坡政府去政治化之手段,而使得新加坡社會有再政治化之可能。因此為了探討新加坡社會是否有再政治化之現象,本文以向來被視為社會改革先鋒的大學生做為觀察對象,以其政治效能感作為觀察的面向。


From 1946 to 1959, after World War II, Singapore departed from Japanese Empire conquest and reverted to British control. The British Empire declined after the war, and it had changed the governance strategy on Singapore to fit the local practice. Meanwhile, Singapore established a new political system and underwent reform of the electoral system which had lot of restrictions. The changes in the political environment and the public started feeling the advantages of the electoral reform. At the same time, in order to resist the colonial government of the unequal treatment, the social movements which were mobilized by students and labor led the society to concern about the political affairs of Singapore. Since then, Singapore’s political affairs were dominated by elites and upper class society, instead of colonial government. In other words, Singapore’s political affairs were integrated into the local society. This study will observe the current political phenomenon in Singapore, with using the above political context as “politicalization period” of Singapore. However, between 1959 and 1984, there is a phenomenon of “de- politicalization” in Singapore. Since the separation of Singapore and Malaysia in 1965, Singapore sank into crucial moments. In order to resolve Singapore from the critical international situation, Lee's government worked hard, hoping to find opportunities for Singapore. The government decided to focus on trade and financial development. The government realized that it has to have a stable social and living environment in order to attract the interests from the multinational companies. To achieve this goal, the government enacted a variety of harsh laws, and even continued practice the Internal Security Act which was implemented during the colonial period. Under the harsh laws, the society is a perfect order. Meanwhile, apathy and alienation on political affairs can be seen in the people of Singapore, caused a phenomenon of “de- politicalization” in the society. After 1984, Singapore achieves highly economic development and enjoys the economic status of one of the most economically developed countries of the world. The current great economic development, differences of social structure, social mobility, information technology and so on are challenging the social order, which seem to challenge the government as well, and perhaps change the Singapore to be a society of re- politicalization. This study will focus on Singapore undergraduate students who are considered as the pioneer of social movement, and analyze their sense of political efficacy, to find out if there is sign of “re- politicalization”.


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