  • 學位論文


The Study on Design and Instruction of E-Picture Books

指導教授 : 林志忠


本研究以內容分析法及訪談法,分析電子繪本教學、內容、視覺與互動設計。研究結果發現電子繪本運用於教學時,教學設計經常包含延伸活動,其教學方法主要以發問教學法為主,而其多樣的故事內容,使其於教學運用時,主題與領域都非常多樣、廣泛,此外其教學對象隨著年齡增加而逐漸減少,而其教學過程中電子繪本並未運用於總結活動階段,但有以其附設之小遊戲運用於該階段。運用於教學中的電子繪本內容設計都符合空間接鄰原則與一致性原則,僅少數不符合時間連續性原則,此外皆不符合動態原則與過剩原則,惟有些電子繪本可透過互動設計的操作,使之符合動態原則與過剩原則。電子繪本視覺設計上,整體色彩都是以暖色系為主,即使以冷色系或無彩色系也提高其明度,表現出活潑的感受;但其版面配置與動態效果的品質不一。電子繪本的互動設計因有技術上的限制,因此互動程度不一。整體而言電子繪本設計會影響教學過程與教學方法,會因教學設計選擇搭配自製電子繪本或紙本繪本使用,而電子繪本與教學主題、教學領域及教學對象較無直接相關。 最後針對目前電子繪本運用於教學現況與其設計分析結果,提出十點建議,期待未來有更適合教學且更多元的電子繪本設計,並可嘗試研究其他對象電子繪之教學運用,或從其他方面搜集電子繪本樣本並進行分析: 一、運用電子繪本於教學中應考慮電子繪本設計是否符合教師需求 二、運用電子繪本教學時,建議適當運用其特殊設計使教學過程更豐富 三、若因電子繪本設計限制,在進行電子繪本教學時可調整教學方法以求改善 四、電子繪本內容設計上應考慮多媒體訊息的適當配置 五、教師自製電子繪本時建議將文字字幕除去解決認知負荷問題 六、電子繪本設計上可適時地加入動態效果 七、電子繪本設計上若因技術限制可以靜態圖片取代動態效果 八、電子繪本的色彩與介面配置,應從方便觀賞與使用的角度來設計 九、製作電子繪本時應重視電子繪本的互動設計 十、教師自製電子繪本時可使用PPT製作簡單的互動效果


This work is to find out the designing of contents, visual and interactive in e-picture books. This study found that the teaching programs of e-picture books often including extended activities. The main teaching method is the Questioning Approach, and there are many subjects and fields e-picture books could be used. In addition, teachers decrease to using e-picture books in instruction as students’ age. Teachers only use the games of e-picture book in the stage of Summary Activity. Furthermore, most of e-picture books conform to Spatial Contiguity Principle, Coherence Principle and Temporal Contiguity Principle. But all of them are not conform to Modality Principle and Redundancy Principle. E-picture books has ability conforms Modality Principle and Redundancy Principle by using interactive design method. Most of the e-picture books used warm colors, and the producer increased the value of the colors when using cool colors or neutral color. Some of the interface, the dynamic effect and interactive design in e-picture books are good, and some are not. In conclusion, the design of e-picture books would affect the method and the process, but it won’t affect the subject, the field, and the object in instruction. Finally, the study gives 10 suggestions based on the results: 1. Must think about the design of e-picture books whether conform to the teacher’s needs or not in the instruction. 2. Suggest to using some special design of e-picture books to make the curriculum copious. 3. If there are some limits to design the e-picture books, change the methods in instruction. 4. Think about the multimedia in the design of content in e-picture books. 5. Eliminate the text when teacher make an e-picture book able to solve problems of cognitive load. 6. Add some dynamic effect appropriately in the design of e-picture books. 7. If there are some limits to make dynamic effect in the e-picture books, use picture replace the dynamic effect. 8. The design of the color and the interface should consider about the using and reading convenience of the e-picture books. 9. Respect the design of the interaction in e-picture books. 10. Teachers can use PowerPoint to make simple interactions in e-picture books.




