  • 學位論文


A Study on Community-Oriented Social Services and Happiness-Cases of Community Development Associations with Merit Achievements in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 黃源協


本研究採質性研究中的「深度訪談法」,以新北市績優社區發展協會為例,主要目的在於探討新北市推動福利社區化現況、具備要素、促進幸福感策略及其對幸福感的影響,邀請來自8 個績優社區的11 名受訪者參加深度訪談,提供未來新北市推動福利社區化的參考方向。本研究發現如下: 一、新北市績優社區發展協會在推動福利社區化的情形,包括:(1)社區服務弱勢族群以服務長者為大宗;(2)社區是政府推動福利社區化政策好夥伴;(3)福利社區化服務對象擴展至社區全體居民。 二、新北市績優社區發展協會居民幸福感之具備要素,包括:(1)基本物質需求滿足(擁有收入、固定活動場地、連結社會資源、舉辦活動或課程);(2)心靈需求滿足(營造友善氛圍、社區認同感、社區服務獲得正向回饋、陪伴與關懷、讓行動不便者能參與社區、社區自主管理) 三、促進社區居民幸福感之策略,包括:(1)社區居民層面:主要著重社區居民間的關懷與陪伴,營造友善的社區氛圍與環境;(2)社區發展協會層面:主要著重績優社區舉辦多元豐富的課程或活動,增進居民參與,並建立社區資源共享網絡,提供居民適宜的整合性福利服務;(3)政府層面:主要著重社區增加人力、建置活動空間、適切的社福政策、社區自主管理、人才培訓、資源盤點。 本研究之主要建議如下: 一、政策面向,包括:(1)社會參與方面,政府加強設置無障礙空間;(2)政府治理方面,提供因地制宜的社福政策;(3)生活環境方面,政府建構新北市社區資源整合平台;(4)社區治理方面,落實社區自治;(5)教育訓練方面,強化社區幹部福利服務知能。 二、實務面向,包括:(1)收入方面,讓居民擁有固定收入;(2)教育方面,輔導社區學習自主經營策略;(3)社會參與方面,讓社區自主經營在地福利服務資源共享網絡;(4)健康方面,建構社會支持網絡。


This study aims to explore the practice of community-oriented social services in the New Taipei City and to discover factors influencing and promoting happiness, and to provide suggestions and strategies of enhancing resident’s happiness. The quantitative research method was adapted and 11 participants from 8 outstanding communities were invited to join in-depth-interview. Findings of this study are shown as followed: 1. Implementation of community-oriented social services of community development associations with achievements in New Taipei City includes the following: (1) community service for underprivileged groups refers mostly to the aged; (2)community is the good partner for the government to implement policy of community-oriented social services; (3) subjects of community-oriented social services are expanded to all community residents. 2. Essential factors of residents’ happiness of community development associations with achievements in New Taipei City include the following: (1) satisfaction with basic material demand (incomes, regular activity places, connection of social resources and hosting of activities or courses); (2) satisfaction with spiritual needs (creation of friendly atmosphere, community identification, positive feedback to community service, accompanying and care, community participation of physically disabled and autonomous management of community) 3. Strategies to enhance community residents’ happiness include the following: (1)community residents: it focuses on care and accompanying for community residents and creates friendly community atmosphere and environment; (2)community development association: it emphasizes diverse courses or activities held by communities with achievements, enhances residents’ participation, constructs sharing network of community resources and provides residents with proper integrated welfare service; (3) government: it focuses on enhancement of community manpower, construction of activity space, proper social welfare policy, autonomous management of community, talent training and resource inventory. Major suggestions of this study are shown below: 1. Policies include the following: (1) as to social participation, the government strengthens installation of barrier-free environment; (2) as to governmental governance, it provides social welfare policies adapted to conditions; (3) as to life environment, the government establishes community resource integration platform of New Taipei City; (4) as to community governance, it carries out community autonomy; (5) as to educational training, it enhances welfare service knowledge and competence of community staff. 2. Practices include the following: (1) as to incomes, it allows residents to possess regular incomes; (2) as to education, it guides community to acquire autonomous management strategy; (3) as to social participation, it enhances autonomous management of community regarding local welfare service and resource sharing network; (4) as to health, it constructs social support network.


