  • 學位論文


WAKE Mediates Drosophila Male-Male Courtship Activity through Insulin-Like Signaling Pathway

指導教授 : 傅在峰


WAKE已證實在黑腹果蠅(Drosophila melanogaster)參與調節生物韻律與穩固睡眠週期,在發育時期也與細胞的不對稱分裂(asymmetric cell division; ACD)有關。本論文進一步確認WAKE在胰島素生成細胞(insulin producing cells; IPCs)參與調控雄性果蠅同性間求偶行為的發生,更證實WAKE功能的缺失是透過胰島素訊息引發雄果蠅同性間求偶行為的發生,後續理解WAKE如何透過胰島素訊息對同性間性反應的調節是一個全新且有趣的方向。


果蠅 WAKE 胰島素 同性間求偶行為


WAKE is highly important to neurological functions in Drosophila, implicated in circadian and sleep maintenance and it is an essential regulator in asymmetric cell division (ACD) of neuroprecursor cells in developmental stage. In this thesis, we evidenced WAKE deficits in insulin producing cells (IPCs) that prompts inter-male courtship underlie insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling (IIS) pathway. This is an interesting discover but how IIS induced male to male courtship needs further study.


Drosophila WAKE insulin male-male courtship


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