  • 學位論文


A Study on Caring Experience and Support of Kinship Caregivers

指導教授 : 吳書昀


親屬安置(kinship care)指的是當兒童少年原生家庭發生重大變故以致失去其照顧養育功能,或是兒童少年已不適合在原生家庭中接受教養時,親屬安置照顧者經由原生父母或專業人員之請託後,協助照顧需要安置之兒童少年,使其兒童少年得以獲得妥適之身心發展與照顧保護。親屬照顧者是親屬安置方案中重要的一環,然而在台灣,對於親屬安置照顧者的研究卻相當少。 本研究之目的欲了解親屬安置照顧者的照顧經驗,另外也希望了解到親屬安置照顧者之支持來源與資源使用狀況,並且透過兒童少年福利體系以及社會救助體系中的親屬安置照顧者的比較來描繪出完整的親屬安置照顧者的圖像,最後根據研究結果,提出具體的政策建議,也讓大眾對於親屬安置照顧者有更多的認識。 依據研究目的,研究者以質化研究方式為主要研究方式,並以深度訪談方式訪問六位親屬安置照顧者,在本研究受訪者中,三位為兒少福利體系中的親屬安置照顧者、三位為社會救助體系中的親屬安置照顧者,接著,研究者以「分析階層」(The analytic hierarchy)的資料處理方式進行訪談資料的分析。研究結果發現: 一、親屬安置照顧者是家庭失功能兒童的重要支持。 二、親屬安置照顧者與被安置孩子之間的情感建立歷程。 三、開始承擔起照顧責任時,與親友的關係也出現變化。 四、親屬安置照顧者的需求與福利獲取難以同步。 五、家人的支持是親屬安置照顧者的堅強後盾。 六、照顧被安置孩子,重新賦予了親屬安置照顧者「責任」。 基於上述研究發現,研究者針對政策與實務層面整理出下列研究建議: 一、政策層面:「親屬」正式地位的賦予、整併兒少福利體系及社會救助體系中的親屬安置照顧者、親屬安置照顧者的證照核發。 二、實務層面:以家庭式的服務處遇為主,案主不再只針對於兒童少年、代間支持方案的執行、社工人員不應僅是訊息提供者更是情緒支持者。


“Kinship Care” refers to the care of children and adolescents through government intervention, because significant events occurred within their original families that made it difficult to care for the well-being of these children and adolescents. By the request of parents and professionals or mandated by the government, these children and adolescents are raised by foster parents or host families so that they are able to grow up in an appropriate environment. However, few researches exist concerning Kinship Care programs in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to understand the personal experiences of kinship caregivers and how these caregivers use resources and support systems available to them. This study draws on comparisons between the caregivers in the child welfare system and in the social assistance system to obtain a fuller impression of the caring experience. Conclusions drawn from this study can improve policies and better inform the general public about these programs and systems. For research purposes, the researcher use the qualitative method and interview six kinship caregivers. Three are from child welfare system and the other three are from social assistance system. Use the analytic hierarchy to analysis the data from interview. The study found that: 1. Caregivers are the most important support for children whose families are unable to care for their well-being. 2. How relationships between caregivers and children are established and formed. 3. How relationships with relatives change once children are in the Kinship Care programs. 4. Difficulties that caregivers face when trying to secure benefits and resources. 5. Family support is significant to the caregiver. 6. By taking care the child, the kinship caregiver retake on “responsibility”. Suggestions for further research are made based on findings from this study. At the policy level: To give formal recognition to kinship caregivers matter in the child welfare system or in the social assistance system. At the practical level: 1.Treatments base on Family. 2. Not only provide service to children or adolescents but also to kinship families. 3. Developing intergenerational supporting program. 4. Social workers are not only information providers also emotional supporters.


王佳煌、潘鐘到、郭俊賢、黃瑋瑩(譯)(2002)。當代社會研究法:質化與量化途徑(原作者 W. Lawrence Neuman)。臺北市:學富文化。(原著出版年:2002)
