  • 學位論文

跨類別產品之購買期間模型 – 以Amazon購物網站為例

Inter-Purchase Time Model For Multi-Category Products : Take Amazon.com For Example

指導教授 : 陳靜怡


近年來,由於廠商彼此之間的競爭越來越激烈,要如何維持顧客的忠誠度變成一個重要的課題,因此,若能使商品的行銷活動時間點,符合消費者對於此商品的購買週期,對於提升顧客的忠誠度必有很大的幫助,同時也能提升廠商自己的獲利能力。然而,在現在這多商品類別的購物環境下,顧客可能存在同時購買不同類別商品的行為,並且消費者在購買不同類別商品之間並非處於一獨立關係。若只由過去單一產品的購買期間模型來做預測,結果會有所偏頗,因此,本研究擬建構一跨類別產品之購買期間模型,來預測消費者的購買期間。 本研究在模型的建構上,以混合對數常態分配為模型建立的基礎,並利用虛擬變數,將九種購買順序各自所對應的混合常態分配,整合成一混合迴歸模型。比先前單一商品購買期間模型,混合迴歸模型可以描述顧客在同時購買跨類別商情況下的購買期間。本研究以美國Comscore資料庫內,2010年與2011年消費者於Amazon購物網站的交易資料,並選用兩組互補性高低不同的商品組合,來進行本研究模型的實證分析,並加入人口統計變數為自變數,探討其對購買期間的影響。在互補性高的書籍雜誌和影視商品中,運用本研究有考慮同時購買的模型,可進一步發現先購買書籍雜誌再購買影視產品的平均購買期間,較短於先購買影視產品再購買書籍雜誌的平均購買期間,廠商宜對已購買書籍的消費者,加速對於影視產品的推薦時機。最後,列出本研究進行時所遭遇的限制,以及未來的研究方向。


There are more and more competitors in the market in recent years, how to enhance consumer’s loyalty to maintain a long-term and sustained relationship has become an important issue of manufacturers. Manufacturers can use customer database to do the one-to-one marketing by data mining, and use market basket analysis to recommend the right products to the consumers. However, the past research ignored the forecast of the Inter-Purchase Time and the situation of consumers bought two products at the same time. This research establishes a model which can integrate inter-purchase time and multi-category purchase choices. This research use a mixture log-normal regression model to establish a inter-purchase time model for multi-category products, which can predict the purchase behavior of consumer more accurately than the purchase timing model for single products when customers bought two products at the same time. This research uses the transaction records of consumers done in Amazon.com in 2010 and 2011 that recorded in Comscore database to do the empirical research. Finding the inter-purchase time from books to movie is shorter than the inter-purchase time from movies to books. According to the model analysis and empirical results, this research finally propose the applications and recommendations in the management.


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