  • 學位論文


A Study on the Spiritual Health and Self-actualization of Volunteer Workers in Non-profit Organization—Take Heng Shan as an Example

指導教授 : 莊俐昕


本研究目的旨在探討非營利組織志願服務工作者靈性健康與自我實現之關係。研究目的為(1)探討非營利組織志願服務工作者靈性健康與自我實現之現況(2)探討非營利組織志願服務工作者靈性健康與自我實現之關係(3)探討非營利組織志願服務工作者靈性健康與自我實現之影響。本研究設計爲量化研究,以衡山機構志願服務工作者爲硏究對象,透過「靈性健康量表與自我實現量表」進行調査,問卷調查採普查方式,總計發放373份,獲得有效問卷346份,有效回收率達92.76%。蒐集所得問卷資料以平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關與多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。 最後根據研究發現,分別對非營利組織機構、非營利機構主管、志願服務工作者與未來相關研究提出建議,作為後續研究之參考。研究建議如下: (一) 對非營利組織機構建議:(1)志願服務工作可提升靈性健康與自我實現,鼓勵參與以帶動社會正向風氣(2)重視女性志願服務工作者在組織中的參與,並增加男性志願服務工作者參與機會,藉以營造優質社會氣氛與團體成長(3)善用退休人員及教育程度較高之志願服務工作者,帶動靈性健康與自我實現的正向循環 (二) 對機構主管之建議:(1)鼓勵志願服務工作者穩定長期投入志願服務工作,俾利自我實現發展(2)系統性培育志願服務工作者擔任領導階層,創造雙贏局面 (三) 對志願服務工作者之建議:(1)長期投入志願服務有利於個人靈性健康與自我實現,個人應積極承諾俾利成長(2)鼓勵個人可於志願服務中適時承接相關職務 (3) 鼓勵退休人員參與志願服務,可增進自我價值與社會歸屬感


This study explores the relation between the spiritual health and self-actualization of volunteer workers in non-profit organization (NPO). The research purpose is to investigate (a) the current state of NPO volunteer workers’ spiritual health and self-actualization, (b) the relation between NPO volunteer workers’ spiritual health and self-actualization, and (c) the influences of NPO volunteer workers’ spiritual health and self-actualization. With a quantitative research design, the survey was conducted via one questionnaire assessing spiritual health and self-actualization. The survey was general. Totally 373 copies of the questionnaire were sent out; 346 of them were valid. The valid recovery rate is 92.76%. The gathered data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, independent-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis. Based on the results, the following suggestions are made for NPOs, managers of NPO, volunteer workers, and further study. (1) For NPOs: (a) volunteering promotes spiritual health and self-actualization; it should be encouraged so as to promote a positive social atmosphere; (b) the involvement of female volunteer workers should be valued, and the opportunity of male volunteer workers’ involvement should be increased to create a great social atmosphere and to promote group growth; (c) one should make good use of retirees and highly educated volunteer workers to develop a good cycle of spiritual health and self-actualization. (2) For managers of NPO: (a) volunteer workers’ long-term involvement should be encouraged, which is favorable for their self-actualization; (b) one should systematically train volunteer workers in their leadership, creating a win-win situation. (3) For volunteer workers: (a) long-term involvement in volunteer work is conducive to spiritual health and self-actualization; one should make active devotion to facilitate growth; (b) one should be encouraged to take up relevant positions in the institute; (c) retirees should be encourage to participate in volunteer work, which raises self-esteem and sense of social belonging.


