  • 學位論文


A Study on Relationship between Principal Leadership Styles and Acquirement of Education Funds of Taichung City Elementary School

指導教授 : 林松柏


校長領導風格是影響校務經營的重要因素之一,一所學校的經營需仰賴教育經費。而面對經費緊縮,如何善用校長領導能力,增進學校教育經費是一項非常重要的課題。辦學不能只仰賴政府有限的資源,應積極開拓經費資源,才能提供學校所需。校長領導風格與學校經營及學校教育經費的取得密不可分,故本研究旨在探究校長領導風格與學校教育經費取得之關係。研究目的有三:一、瞭解國民小學校長領導風格之意涵與類型;二、探討教育經費之意涵與取得途徑;三、分析校長領導風格與教育經費取得之關係。 依據文獻探討,校長領導風格分為人和型、倡導型、關懷型、創新型等四類,教育經費的運用分為經費支出項目及其控管與學校教育經費的取得等二大面向,取得途徑則包括學校本預算、政府補助款、自籌經費及外界捐款四類。研究者進一步探討不同校長領導風格影響教育經費取得的成效,對爭取學校教育經費較有利之領導風格,以及各種領導風格對於經費取得之相關策略。文獻探討結果歸納人和型領導風格較傾向於開源面向的經費取得途徑,倡導型領導風格展現出較強勢的經費取得手段,關懷型領導風格較偏重學校組織氣氛的差異,以及創新型領導風格對於開源面向的經費取得途徑較為多元與廣泛。 本研究運用的研究方法為專家問卷調查法,資料分析方法為模糊分析。首先針對學校教育經費取得進行相關文件或報告蒐集、歸納及整理,並詳細閱讀,奠定研究之基礎。其次透過15位有經驗,曾擔任國民小學校長二任以上之受訪者,實施專家問卷調查進行實徵資料之蒐集與分析。模糊分析方法包括模糊平均數、模糊眾數、模糊中位數、模糊標準差與模糊共識係數,主要瞭解參與專家學者在各項題目的意見集中情形跟意見歧異的情形,模糊相對權重探究各種影響因素之重要性程度,最後再使用模糊相關分析瞭解模糊相對權重之間的相關程度。 專家調查問卷結果發現,在校長全權負責與依業務性質分派給處室主任負責的條件之下,以爭取政府補助款最為重要,在校長不介入由組織成員自行發起的條件之下,以爭取外界捐款最為重要。學校各項教育經費取得工作應由校長全權負責,其次依序為依業務性質分派給處室主任負責及校長不介入由組織成員自行發起。在校長全權負責的條件之下,倡導型領導風格與爭取外界捐款關係程度較高。而在依業務性質分派給處室主任負責的條件之下,人和型領導風格與爭取政府補助款關係程度較高。在校長不介入由組織成員自行發起的條件之下,創新型領導風格與爭取外界捐款關係程度較高。 本研究結論有三,分別為一、在不同情境之下四種校長領導風格的重要程度不一致,校長必須展現不同領導風格、採取不同領導策略,帶領學校組織同仁為學校爭取更多教育經費。二、校長在不同情境之下所要爭取的教育經費取得途徑不盡相同,必須視學校特質、需求及組織氛圍判斷爭取何種教育經費最為有利。三、校長們普遍認為學校教育經費取得工作是校長的職責,若以二者的相關程度來看,在不同情境之下校長領導風格與教育經費取得途徑相關程度也有所不同。依據結論分別從校長、教育部主管機關及校長培訓制度與未來研究予以建議。


Leadership style is one of the important attributes for school administration, which relies on the educational funds to run a school. As funding tightening, it becomes a very important task of principal's leadership, with an eye to increasing the educational funds of a school. The limited resources that the government provides is not dependable, diversifying the funding nevertheless is the key to afford what schools need. So, the leadership styles of principals are bound up with school administration and the acquirement of school educational funds. This study aimed at finding the relationship between principal leadership styles and school educational funding acquirement. The purposes of the study are as follow: 1. realizing the meaning and types of principal leadership style; 2. exploring the meaning of educational funding and the channels to get it; and 3. analyzing the relationship between principal leadership style and educational funding acquirement. According to literature review, there are four types of principal leadership styles: harmonious, initiative, humanitarian, and innovative. And the educational fund employed can be segmented into two dimensions, namely expenditure & control and the educational funding acquirement. The obtain channels include funds appropriate to school in yearly budget, government subsidy, self-financing, and donation from outside. The study continued to explore what types of principal leadership style are more successful on educational funding acquirement, what are advantageous leadership style for obtaining school educational funding, and what coping strategies is suitable for certain kind of leadership style on funds acquire. The study induced that harmonious style of leadership is normally good at creating new financial resources, and initiative type of leadership tends to reveal a powerful way for gathering funding, humanitarian type emphasizes the working atmosphere discrepancy of the school, and the innovative type of leadership diversifies and widens the ways on creating new financial resources. The expert questionnaire survey was used, and fuzzy analysis was employed for data analysis. For starter, document analysis was focused on gathering, inducing, arranging the related papers and reports of school educational funding, and then these materials were read thoroughly. After that, 15 experienced and served as elementary school principal at least two terms or above were recruited to conduct the expert questionnaire survey for gathering and analyzing the empirical data. Fuzzy analysis included fuzzy mean, fuzzy mode, fuzzy median, fuzzy standard deviation, and fuzzy degree of consensus. It was aimed at understanding the similarity and discrepancy of each survey question that the recruited experts answered, and the fuzzy relative weight was used to find out the degree of importance on all kinds of influential factors. Finally, fuzzy correlation analysis was applied to analyze the correlation coefficient between fuzzy relative weights. The results of expert questionnaire survey showed that, in the school that the principal take full responsibility and delegated accordingly to each director, winning over government subsidies of being the most important of all. However, in the school that the principal having hands off and the administrative members initiated voluntarily, the first priority is striving for outside donations. It is the principal who should assume full responsibility of acquiring the various educational funding for school, followed by delegated directors and then the administrative members when the principal was hands off. Under the conditions that principal take full responsibility, it showed that the initiative type of leadership having higher correlation with winning over outside donations. And under the case of delegated directors responsible, it demonstrated that the harmonious type of leadership showing higher correlation with striving for government subsidies. In the condition that the principal hands off and the administrative members initiated voluntarily, it was the innovative type of leadership having higher correlation with outside donations. The study came up with three conclusions. 1. It showed that four kinds of principal leadership style demonstrated different degree of importance under different context. A principal must show different style of leadership and assume different leading strategies, and taking the lead for striving more educational appropriations. 2. Under different situations, a principal should utilize different approaches for winning over educational budget, depending upon school's characteristics, demands, and school atmosphere to judge what is the most beneficial educational budget for them to win. 3. The recruited principals widely accepted that acquiring educational funds for school are beyond doubt their unshirkable duty. Looking from the correlation coefficient, it showed that the principal leadership style having different correlation with the acquirement of educational funds. Finally, the study offered suggestions for further research and the Preparation Program of the Elementary and Secondary School Principals, from the standpoint of principal and the administration of Ministry of Education.


