  • 學位論文


A Case Study of a Public Elementary School’s Competency-oriented Wildness Education Curriculum

指導教授 : 馮丰儀


近年來走向戶外之意識逐漸高漲,越來越多推動山野教育的學校,帶領學生登山創造高峰經驗。個案學校推行山野教育已歷時多年,在十二年國教實施之際,個案學校之山野教育從活動式體驗走向發展素養導向山野教育課程。本研究旨在探討個案學校素養導向山野教育課程規劃、實施情形、學生學習成果以及推行該課程所遇到的困境與解決策略。 本研究採個案研究法,透過訪談個案學校校長與教師,及蒐集個案學校推行山野教育相關文件進行分析,研究結果發現: 一、個案學校之山野教育課程規劃結合在地環境為發展核心,並兼具理論與實務。 二、個案學校之山野教育課程實施從活動走向課程並進行滾動式修正。 三、個案學校之山野教育課程實施有助增加學生山野教育相關認知、技能與態度方面的收穫,達成自主行動、溝通互動與社會參與素養之養成。 四、個案學校之山野教育課程執行遭遇課程規劃、體能的考驗、執行時間不足、久缺相關教材等困境,需以提供教師正向行政支持、自我成長與共備增能為助力。 依據本研究結論,提出未來山野教育課程發展之研究建議如下: 壹、給欲推動山野教育者之建議 一、課程設計須引發學生高度學習興趣。 二、素養導向山野教育課程發展須逐年滾動式修正。 三、教師可透過自我增能搭配組成教師專業學習社群來強化備課。 貳、給欲推動山野教育學校之建議 一、學校發展素養導向山野教育課程宜先擬定該校欲發展之課程重點。 二、學校發展素養導向山野教育課程需給予教師充分支持與資源。 參、給教育主管單位之建議 一、建議訂定山野素養課程各階段學習重點與相關教材,充份給予學校發展素養導向山野教育之資源。 二、建議舉辦山野教育相關研習或工作坊,培養山野教育素養課程之種子教師。


In recent years, the awareness of going outdoors has gradually increased, and more and more schools are promoting wildness education, leading students to create peak experience in mountaineering. The case school has been implementing wildness education for many years. At the time of the implementation of the 12-year basic education, wildness education in the case school has moved from the activity-based experience to the developmental competence-oriented wildness education curriculum. The purpose of this study is to explore the curriculum planning, implementation, student learning outcomes, difficulties and solutions of competence-oriented wildness education. In this case study, interviews with the principals and teachers were conducted, and documents related to the implementation of wildness education in the case school were analyzed. The findings are as follows: 1.The planning of the wildness education curriculum in the case school uses local environment as the core of development, and integrates theory and practice. 2.The implementation of the wildness education curriculum in the case school moves from activities to curricula and is updated continuously in accordance with the situation. 3.The implementation of the wildness education curriculum in the case school can enhance students’ cognition, skills and attitudes, and achieve the core competencies of students in autonomous action, interactive communication, and social participation. 4.The implementation of the wildness education curriculum in the case school encountered difficulties such as curriculum planning, physical tests, insufficient execution time, and the shortage of relevant teaching materials. It is necessary to provide teachers with positive administrative support, self-growth, and opportunities of collaborative lesson planning. Based on the conclusions of the study, the following suggestions are provided for the future development of wildness education curricula: 1.For educators who want to promote competence-oriented wildness education (1)Curriculum design must inspire students' high motivation in learning. (2)The development of competence-oriented wildness education curricula must be revised year by year. (3)Teachers can facilitate lesson preparation by creating teacher professional learning communities and improve teachers’ professional growth as well. 2.For schools that want to promote competence-oriented wildness education (1)Schools should set their curricula focuses first. (2)Schools should give teachers full support and resources. 3.For educational authorities (1)To set the learning focuses and related materials of competence-oriented wildness education curricula for each school stage, so as to provide sufficient resources for schools. (2)To hold seminars or workshops related to wildness education to cultivate seed teachers for competence-oriented wildness education curricula.


吳冠璋(2008)。美國戶外教育與台灣登山教育的接合。2008 全國登山研討會論文集。台北市:台灣山岳文教協會。
