  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwanese EFL Learners’ Errors in English Verb Complementation

指導教授 : 賴秋月


動詞是任何語言中最難學習卻也是最重要的語言元素。句子中詞與詞之間的規範是透過主要動詞的補足語結構來達成。台灣英語學習者在學習英語動詞補足語結構上有其困難,然而,與此有關的研究卻極為稀少。本研究旨在探討台灣大學生做為英語學習者,在英語動詞補足語結構使用上的錯誤及可能的錯誤來源。參與本研究的受試者為22名外國語文學系大一的學生。研究方法為利用Lai (2016) 對英文動詞補足語結構學習上的看法,將105學年度所蒐集的330篇大一學生的英文作文進行錯誤分析。研究結果顯示受試者於英語動詞補足語結構上的各種錯誤類型,以及四種可能造成錯誤的原因。 此研究希望能幫助英語教師理解英語學習者在學習英語動詞補足語結構的困難,並提升英語學習者對此結構的正確認識與使用。


The verb is the most difficult and the most important element of a language. The specification of the relations among words in a sentence is achieved through the complementation of the main verb of the sentence. Chinese-speaking EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners have serious problems with English verb complementation and they are often not aware of this. Research on EFL learners’ difficulty in English verb complementation, however, is scanty. This thesis aims to investigate Taiwanese EFL college learners’ verb complementation error patterns and propose possible sources of the errors. A total of 22 first-year English majors participated in the study. Using Lai’s (2016) theory of English verb complementation for EFL pedagogy, this study analyzed the errors in English verb complementation that were collected from the 330 compositions written by the 22 participants for the first-year English composition classes they took in the 2016-2017 academic year. These errors were classified into patterns, and further, possible sources of the errors were inferred. This study has great significance for teaching English verb complementation to EFL learners and for raising EFL learners’ awareness of this specific area of English grammar.


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