  • 學位論文


Learning and social participation of foreign spouses in Taiwan:A study on Southeast Asian migrants in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 林開忠


論文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解外籍配偶在台學習、社會參與的狀況及其二者之關係,以提供政府機關、教育單位辦理相關活動時之參考。研究的進行,經由相關文獻探討的結果,以問卷調查法進行之。研究對象係以桃園縣參加補校、成教班及新移民學習中心的外籍配偶學員為主,共得有效樣本393份,研究工具為「桃園縣東南亞籍配偶在台學習及社會參與狀況調查問卷」,包含「個人基本資料」、「參與學習活動量表」及「社會參與量表」三部分。以SPSS 15.0 for Window英文版套裝統計軟體,進行資料分析,統計方法之使用包括敘述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、卡方分析及皮爾遜積差相關。研究結論歸納如下: 壹、桃園縣外籍配偶在台學習的態度及成效良好。在「學習需求」方面,以「中文聽說讀寫能力」的需求最高,在「學習動機」方面,以「對求取知識有興趣」佔最多。 貳、外籍配偶社會參與的意願非常高。在「社會參與動機」方面,以「獲得知識或技能」為最多;在「阻礙因素」方面,以「沒有時間」為最多。 參、不同「原生國學歷」、「來台時間」、「生活費用」的受訪者在學習頻率、學習時數上會有顯著差異;不同的「健康狀況」在學習態度上有顯著差異;不同的「生活費用」在學習成效上有顯著差異。 肆、不同「原生國籍」及「原生國學歷」的受訪者在社會參與時數上達顯著差異;不同的「原生國籍」在宗教活動上有顯著差異性;不同的「原生國學歷」在社團活動、休閒活動、及整體社會參與有顯著差異性。 伍、外籍配偶學習動機為「求取知識」、「紓解煩悶生活」與各層面社會活動及「整體社會參與」均具有顯著正相關;而學習態度、學習成效和社會參與亦呈現顯著正相關。 依據上述結論,本研究提出幾點建議以供參考: 壹、對於後續研究者的建議 一、就研究對象而言,建議未來的研究可擴大研究範圍,包含其他縣市、在家自學、 及未參與任何成人教育的外籍配偶為研究對象,以了解其參與學習之困難處及對於社會參與有何影響。 二、就研究變項而言,可納入居住地區、婚姻狀況、家庭支持、學校教學、政府政策等影響學習及社會參與的可能因素,並在社會參與的調查中探討其人際關係、鄰里信任度等層面。 三、就研究方法而言,後續的相關研究可兼採質性訪談研究,以獲得更深入的了解。 貳、對政府機構之建議 一、政府單位應作跨部會整合,提供生活適應上全方面的輔助。 二、重視外籍配偶教育的規劃,激發學習動機。 三、建立社會活動參與的管道,並鼓勵適宜的組織及活動,提供完善的軟硬體設施。 參、對於教育單位的建議 一、寬列外籍配偶教育經費,提供完備的人力、物力及財力。 二、培養教師多元文化素養及成人教育知能,提升外籍配偶學習成效。 三、建立外籍配偶參與學習統計資料庫,獲得充份資訊,作為政府訂定政策之依據。 肆、對於外籍配偶及其家庭之建議 一、建立正向的學習態度,提升學習成效,增進社會參與的程度。 二、鼓勵外籍配偶參與社會,促進社會凝聚力。


Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand Southeast Asian spouses’ learning in Taiwan, their social participation, and the relationship between the two, which shall serve as a reference for government agencies and educational units. In this paper, the results of the literature review as well as the questionnaire survey method have been adopted. The study subjects are Southeast Asian spouses in the adult education classes and in the New Immigrant Learning Center, out of which a total of 393 valid samples have been collected. The study tool is a “The questionnaire about the studies and social participation of Southeast Asian spouses in Taoyuan county, Taiwan”, which consists of three parts: “personal information”, “learning participation” and “social participation.” The SPSS 15.0 for Window statistical software package in English version is used for the data analysis. The statistical methods used include: descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, ANOVA, chi-square analysis, and Pearson correlation. The conclusions drawn are as follows: 1. Taoyuan Southeast Asian spouses’ attitude and the results of their learning in Taiwan were quite good. In terms of the “learning needs,” “the Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing ability” ranked at the top; in terms of the “learning motives,” the “interest in knowledge acquisition” took up the highest ratio. 2. The spouses were highly motivated to engage in social participation. In terms of the “social participation motivation”, the “acquisition of knowledge or skill” took up the highest ratio; in terms of the “impediment factors,” “there is not enough time” took up the highest ratio. 3. The respondents whose “education background” “date of arrival in Taiwan,” and “living expenses” varied have shown significant differences in the frequency of learning and hours of learning. In addition, the individuals in different “health conditions” have also shown significant differences in the learning attitude, and the individuals with different “living expenses” have shown significant differences in the learning results. 4. The respondents whose “country of origin” and “educational background” varied have shown significant difference in the hours of engagement in social participation. Individuals whose “country of origin” varied have shown significant difference in the engagement in religious activities. These individuals have also shown significant difference in the club activities, recreational activities, and overall social participation. 5. The spouses’ learning motives, including “acquisition of knowledge” and “relieve the boredom of life”, are positively correlated to the “social activities at all levels” and the “overall social participation”. The learning attitude, learning results, and social participation are also positively correlated. Based on the conclusions drawn in this paper, the following points have been proposed: I. Recommendations for follow-up researchers: 1. In regards to the research subjects, it is suggested that future research can expand the scope of the study, and include Southeast Asian spouses living in other counties and cities, engaging in self-study, and not participating in any adult education as study subjects in order to understand the difficulties in their learning and the impacts of which on social participation. 2. In regards to the research variables, the factors that possibly affect the learning and social participation may be included, such as residence, marital status, family support, school teaching, and government policy. Also, aspects such as interpersonal relationships, neighborhood trust, and so on should also be included in the discussion. 3. In terms of the research method, qualitative interviews may be adopted for follow-up research in order to gain a deeper understanding of the matter. II. Recommendations for the government agencies 1. The government units should engage in cross-agency integration to provide all-rounded assistance to the Southeast Asian spouses in their efforts to adapt in life. 2. To give emphasis to education planning for the Southeast Asian spouses in order to elicit their learning motives. 3. To establish channels for participation in social activities, encourage suitable set up of organizations and holding of activities, and provide comprehensive software and hardware facilities. III. Recommendations for the education units 1. To allocate more educational funding for Southeast Asian spouses, and provide complete manpower, materials, and financial resources. 2. To cultivate teachers who demonstrate cultural literacy and adult education skills in order to enhance their learning effectiveness. 3. To set up a statistical database regarding their participation in learning, and obtain sufficient information as the basis for government policy making. IV. Recommendations for the Southeast Asian spouses and their families 1. To foster a positive learning attitude, improve the learning effectiveness, and enhance the level of social participation. 2. To encourage them to engage in social participation in order to promote social cohesion.


