  • 學位論文


The Current Status and the Influencing Factors for Gerotranscendental Development among Taichung City Community Elders

指導教授 : 蕭富聰


本研究旨探討臺中社區老人(65歲以上)的超越老化程度、靈性健康、幸福感以及背景變項之間的相關性與現況。本研究對象設定為居住於臺中市社區老人(非居住於照護機構內),研究工具為老年人超越老化評量表、生命意義感量表、老年人幸福感量表及基本資料問卷,共蒐集有效問卷459份。研究資料以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸進行統計分析,本研究結果如下: 一、 臺中地區老人自評的超越老化觀感整體屬於中等程度,但在生命凝聚感層面偏高,獨處需求上偏低。 二、 整體來看臺中地區老人的靈性健康與幸福感為中等略偏高。 三、 超越老化觀感會因為教育程度、經濟狀況與自覺健康狀況不同而有顯著差異; 性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、宗教信仰、居住狀態與過去2年內有沒有發生過特別的事件等,在超越老化觀感未達顯著差異,。 四、 臺中地區老人靈性健康發展越好,超越老化觀感愈佳;臺中地區老人幸福感越好,超越老化觀感愈佳。 五、 研究發現共五個變項對超越老化觀感具有預測因子,幸福感、靈性健康、教育程度與居住狀態(與家人同住)為正向預測因子,自評健康狀況為負向預測因子。 「超越老化」觀點,持正向的態度重新框架「老化」的過程,擴大健康衰老的定義,引導老人調適晚年生活。


The purpose of this study attempts to explore the current status of and the influencing factors for gerotranscendenc development, spiritual health, well-being and background variables among Taichung city community elders (above 65 years old) . Participants of this study are students from Taichung city community elders (not live in institutional ). The research tools include Gerotranscendenc Scale, Meaning of life Scale, Well-Being Scale and Personal Information Questionnaire. The collected valid questionnaires are 459 copies. The researcher used descriptive statistics, Independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson produce-moment Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis to analyze the data of the study. The main findings of the thesis are as following: 1. Taichung city community elders had middle level of gerotranscendenc, had higher level of self and had lower level of social and individual relationships. 2. On the whole Taichung city community elders had higher level of spiritual health and well-being. 3. Gerotranscendenc was varied by education, source of income and self-perceived health; gerotranscendenc was not varied by sex, age, marital status, religious belief, living condition and particular events within two years experienced. 4. Taichung city community elders with higher spiritual experience better perception of gerotranscendenc; Taichung city community elders with higher well-being experience better perception of gerotranscendenc. 5. Research Findings five variables are important influencing factors for gerotranscendenc. Those well-being, spiritual health, education and living condition ( live with family ) were positive factors to affect gerotranscendenc. The self-perceived health was negative factor to affect gerotranscendenc. Gerotranscendenc use positive viewpoint to reframing aging, expand definition of health aging. Gerotranscendenc guide elder as they adjust their final years.


一、 中文部份


