  • 學位論文

「地方首長施政滿意度調查表」的意義結構之研究 --- 羅蘭巴特(Roland Barthes)的符號批判之觀點

The Study on the Meaning Structure of “Public Opinion Polls of Local Administratiton Satisfaction”—A Perspective of Holnad Barthes’ Semiotic Critique

指導教授 : 黃鉦堤


《OO雜誌》近幾年調查了台灣之幸福城市,以各級政府調查、統計資料,以及對民眾進行電話調查,凸顯出地方政府的經營成果,此外,也進行對地方首長施政滿意度之民調,以民眾為消費者,縣市為品牌,縣市首長為CEO,如同經營一家大型企業,提供民眾在未來選舉的投票參考,也提供各地方政府一個學習及改進的方向。然而,民調的問卷形成到結果的產生是怎麼產生公信力,是否客觀?以及結果所對應未來之可能又為何,這是筆者欲討論的重點。 對於「地方首長施政滿意度」的可能意義之探討,存有多種可能研究途徑,本文在此選定羅蘭巴特(Ronald Barthes)的符號學(semiology)作為切入點,將以巴特的三種符號觀點解構民調結果: (一)直接意指:意指作用是「能指」和「所指」的意義轉換過程,而符號即是其產物。本文以「地方首長施政滿意度」做為符號來進行解讀,則吾人所體認的「能指」是直接來自符號的感官物質成分的存在形象,也就是「地方首長施政滿意度」這幾個獨立字體、以及書寫(或印刷)所組合而成的存在形式。而所指則是此感官物質成分所表現於吾人感官接收後所產生的心理概念。我們用「能指/所指」來表示意指做用的聯想運作過程,巴特所稱的意指作用即是這種意義產製的關係。 (二)含蓄意指:語言層面的直接意指與神話層面的形式之間存有一種「自然的」轉換,其表現出一種「名符其實」的意指作用。並且很自然地聯想至該符號的含蓄意指,亦即其組成機制及其本身動力。 (三)象徵意指:巴特用了「隱喻」以及「轉喩」來解釋象徵意指,隱喻的作用是將某一層面的事實特質轉換至另一層面之上,轉喩的基本定義就是以同一層面的部分代表同一層面的全部,進而試圖表現出見微知著的意涵。


“xx magazine” has been investigated the happy cities of Taiwan by referring to government resources,statistical datas and calling on the public.The result shows us the achievement of local governments.Besides,the magazine also does the opinion polls of local administratiton satisfaction. The public are considered consumers,the counties are considered brands,and the leaders of the counties or cities are considered the chief executive officers(CEO). That’s just like running a big enterprise.It could provide the public references to vote in the future.It could also provide the local governments the way to learn and improve.However,how does a survey of public opinion be made with accountability and objectivity? What is the possibility of the result corresponding to? Those are what the author will focus on. About the possible meanings within “the local administratiton satisfaction” ,there exits many possible researching ways.The study has chosen the semiology of Roland Barthes as the point of penetration and will be according to three symbolic points of view as below: (1) Denotation : The signified action is the transformed process between the signifier and the signified .Symbols are its results.The study regards the“local administratiton satisfaction” as a symbol to interpret .What the author thinks about the signifier is directely from the existing appearance of a sensory substance.In the other word, the “local administratiton satisfaction” is the existing form which is combined with separate words ,written or printed characters.However,the signified is the psychological consept after the sense organ receives the sensory elements.We could use 「signifier卅Signified」to express the process of the association with signification in thinking .Barthes named it denotation is because that the meanings turn out. (2) Connotation:There exits a “natural “transition between the linguistic denotation and the mythological form embedding in the connotation of the “public opinion polls of local administratiton satisfaction” . Furthermore,it’s naturally be thought about the connotation of the symbol which equals its composition mechanism and dynamics. (3) Symbolic signification:Barthes uses”metaphor”and “metonymy” to explain the symbolic signification.Metaphor acts on transforming a certain fact peculiarity into another level.The basic definition of metonymy is that a part of a level stands for the whole level .And then it tries to represents the whole through observation of the part.


干陽譯,J. Culler原著,1994,《人論》,台北:桂冠。
方謙譯,J. Culler原著,1994,《羅蘭.巴特》,台北:桂冠。
