  • 學位論文


Winning Overseas Support: Diplomacy, Party Affairs, Overseas Chinese Policy of R.O.C in Malaya and Singapore, 1945-57

指導教授 : 李盈慧


國民黨一向注重海外華僑在人力、物力的貢獻,以及其與對國民黨政權的向心力,屢屢對外宣稱「華僑為革命之母」。二次世界大戰後,國民黨隨即投身於中國內戰的紛擾,內戰失敗後又面臨撤退到台灣的窘境。國民黨面對接二連三的挑戰,當然希望獲取更多的協助,而海外華僑在人力與財力上的豐沛實力,自然為國民黨政府持續爭取的力量之一。 新馬華僑在抗日捐款數額上為南洋地區之首,且二戰後為國民黨海外活動最活躍地區之一,因此本文將以新馬地區作為一個區域探討對象,並分作兩個主要時期:戰後初期(1945-1949)與馬來亞獨立前時期(1950-1957)為時間斷限。再以國民黨主政的中華民國政府在新馬地區的外交、僑務與黨務工作作為切入點,探討這三項工作在兩段不同時期的執行方法、成效以及華僑的反應。 戰後初期(1945-1949)國民黨政府的外交與僑務工作由駐新馬領事主導,著重於戰後復員、僑教與保護華僑的工作,然而礙於國民黨政府自身深陷內戰,輔助海外華僑的經費有限等原因,使得工作的成效有限;而黨務工作在黨員人數、組織規模與活動種類上卻達到最高峰。 馬來亞獨立前時期(1950-1957)國民黨政府在外交工作上以秘密外交以及國民外交的方式,企圖與即將獨立的馬來亞與新加坡建交;僑務工作則由新馬國民黨黨員配合僑委會「無僑教即無僑務」的方針,投身於當地的華教運動。黨務工作由於黨部無法公開活動,黨員與組織都瞬間萎縮,活動方式也僅能依靠海外黨員秘密地策動僑團從事各種反共活動與舉辦各式慶典聲援國民黨政府,然而這些活動隨著新馬兩地即將獨立都逐漸萎縮、凋零。


As the propaganda of the KMT ( KUOMINGTANG,) says “ Overseas Chinese is the mother of the revolution”, KMT has always been emphasizing the contribution of Overseas Chinese and their loyalty to the regime in the early republican era. The Chinese civil war broke out after the end of WWII. KMT fought against the Chinese Communist Party, defeated, and retreated to Taiwan in n 1949.The KMT government in Taiwan facing various challenges struggling to survive then, once again turned to the Overseas Chinese for support. The amount of Malayan Chinese was the biggest among the donations during the Sino-Japanese War, and Malaya and Singapore were also the regions where KMT operated actively after WWII. Therefore, my thesis chooses Malaya and Singapore as the research object and examines the diplomacy, party affairs, and Overseas Chinese policy of R.O.C, which the ruling party was KMT, in these states during the postwar period (1945-1949) and the pre-independent years of Malaya (1950-1957). The diplomacy and Overseas Chinese policy of the KMT government in Malaya and Singapore during postwar period (1945-1949) was led and executed by the resident embassy mainly focused on demobilization, Chinese education, and protection of Overseas Chinese. Due to the lack of sufficient funding and the distraction of the Chinese civil war, KMT did not achieve much during this period. However, KMT’s affairs were on the summit of its operation during this period. In the pre-independent years, foreign policies of the KMT government were carried out in the form of secret and civil diplomacy seeking the establishment of official ties with the to-be-independent Malaya and Singapore. As for the implementation of overseas Chinese policy, under the guideline of ‘No Chinese education, no overseas Chinese affairs’, the Malayan KMT members worked with the Overseas Compatriot Committee concentrated on the local Chinese education movement. Nevertheless, the KMT Malayan branch faced its serious blow as it was banned in 1949 and this result to huge recession on party members, open activities, organization operation. The KMT could only rely on overseas members to organized anti-communist activities and various festivities to express their support. Unfortunately, these efforts could not contribute to the KMT survival at the dawn of the Independence of Malaya and Singapore.


壹、 中文部分
一、 檔案:


李豪善(2016)。馬華離散與酷兒政治: 論蔡明亮電影的華語流行音樂〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0030-2212201712022232
