  • 學位論文

國民小學教師多元文化素養、跨文化溝通與教學效能關係之 研究

A Study on the Relationships Among Multicultural Literacy, Intercultural Communication and Teaching Effectiveness of Elementary School Teachers

指導教授 : 蔡金田


摘要 本研究旨在探討國民小學教師多元文化素養、跨文化溝通與教學效能之關係,以台灣地區公立國民小學的教師為研究對象。樣本抽取學校數102所,教師1,100人,共計回收有效問卷1,010份。資料採用SPSS與AMOS統計套裝軟體進行統計分析,以平均數和標準差來了解變項現況分布情形,以t考驗和單因子變異數分析各變項間的差異情形,以積差相關考驗各變項間的相關情形,最後則以結構方程模式(SEM)驗證各變項間之適配度情形。依據調查問卷之統計分析結果,歸納主要研究發現,並作成以下的結論: 一、教師多元文化素養屬於高程度,跨文化溝通與教學效能屬於中上程度。 二、不同性別之國民小學教師在整體多元文化素養及教學效能上沒有顯著差異,在整體跨文化溝通上男性教師顯著高於女性教師。 三、不同年齡之國民小學教師在整體多元文化素養、跨文化溝通及教學效能沒有顯著差異;在教學策略分構面上,「40以上未滿50歲」組教師顯著低於其他組別教師。 四、不同學歷之國民小學教師在整體多元文化素養、跨文化溝通及教學效能沒有顯著差異;在多元文化情意分構面上,「碩士以上」組教師顯著高於「師專、師範或教育大學」組與「一般大學」組教師。 五、不同教學年資之國民小學教師在整體多元文化素養、跨文化溝通及教學效能沒有顯著差異。 六、擔任不同職務之國民小學教師在整體多元文化素養、跨文化溝通及教學效能沒有顯著差異;在多元文化技能分構面上科任教師高於級任導師。 七、不同學校位置之國民小學教師在整體多元文化素養有顯著差異、跨文化溝通及教學效能沒有顯著差異;在多元文化認知分構面上,偏遠地區的教師高於一般鄉鎮教師;在學習氣氛分構面上,都市區學校的國民小學教師顯著優於偏遠地區學校教師。 八、不同學校規模之國民小學教師在整體多元文化素養、跨文化溝通及教學效能沒有顯著差異。 九、不同學校區域之國民小學教師在整體多元文化素養、跨文化溝通及教學效能沒有顯著差異;在接收訊息分構面上,南部地區學校教師高於中部地區與東部地區的學校教師;在教學計畫分構面上,南部地區學校教師高於其他地區的學校教師。 十、國民小學教師多元文化素養與跨文化溝通、教學效能之間有顯著正相關。 十一、教師多元文化素養對跨文化溝通、教學效能有顯著正向影響效果。 十二、跨文化溝通對教學效能有顯著正向影響效果。 十三、教師多元文化素養透過跨文化溝通對教學效能有直接及間接的影響效果。 根據上述的研究發現,提出相關建議,以供國民小學教師、教育行政機關、以及後續研究參考。


Abstract The purpose of the study was to explore the relationships among multicultural literacy, intercultural communication and teaching effectiveness of elementary school teachers. The subjects were teachers in 102 public elementary schools in Taiwan. Of the 1,100 questionnaires distributed to the teachers, 1,010 effective questionnaires were collected. The data was statistically analyzed via the packaged software, SPSS, and AMOS. In this study, means and standard derivations are used to understand the distribution of the variables. T-test and one-way ANOVA are applied to compare the differences of the variables. Pearson product-moment correlation is taken to measure the correlations among the variables. At last, structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to examine the model fit of the variables. Based on the statistical analysis of the questionnaires, the study findings are induced as follows: 1. Teachers' multicultural literacy reached a high level, but intercultural communication and teaching effectiveness were in the high–intermediate level. 2. Elementary school teachers of different genders have no significant difference in overall multicultural literacy and teaching effectiveness. However, male teachers were significantly higher than female teachers in the scores of intercultural communication. 3. There were no statistically significant differences between age factors among elementary school teachers in overall multicultural literacy, intercultural communication, and teaching effectiveness. However, on the aspect of teaching strategy, the group of teachers from age 40 to 50 was significantly lower than other groups. 4. There were no statistically significant differences between educational degrees among elementary school teachers in overall multicultural literacy, intercultural communication, and teaching effectiveness. Regarding multicultural awareness, teachers holding a master’s degree are higher than teachers holding a bachelor’s degree. 5. There were no statistically significant differences regarding teaching years in overall multicultural literacy, intercultural communication, and teaching effectiveness. 6. There were no statistically significant differences among elementary school teachers of different posts in overall multicultural literacy, intercultural communication, and teaching effectiveness; regarding multicultural skills, subject teachers are higher than homeroom teachers. 7. There were statistically significant differences among elementary school teachers from different school locations in multicultural literacy, but there were no statistically significant differences between elementary school teachers from different school locations in intercultural communication and teaching effectiveness; regarding multicultural cognitive factor, elementary teachers in remote areas are higher than elementary teachers in urban areas; regarding learning atmosphere, there were statistically significant differences between elementary teachers in urban areas and remote areas. 8. There were no statistically significant differences among elementary school teachers of different school sizes in overall multicultural literacy, intercultural communication, and teaching effectiveness. 9. There were no statistically significant differences among elementary school teachers of different regions in multicultural literacy, intercultural communication, and teaching effectiveness; regarding receiving messages, elementary teachers in southern Taiwan are higher than teachers in middle and eastern Taiwan; regarding teaching schemes, elementary teachers in southern Taiwan are higher than those in other regions. 10. There was high correlation among elementary school teachers’ multicultural literacy, intercultural communication, and teaching effectiveness. 11. Teachers' multicultural literacy has a significant positive effect on intercultural communication and teaching effectiveness. 12. Intercultural communication has a significant positive effect on teaching effectiveness. 13. Teachers' multicultural literacy has a direct and indirect effect on teaching effectiveness through intercultural communication. Based on the findings, the study proposed specific suggestions for teachers in elementary school, educational authorities, and future research.


