  • 學位論文


Evidence from the economic analysis of Taiwanese street vendors during 1988-2008

指導教授 : 陳江明


本文使用之資料為行政院主計處所調查發佈之《台灣攤販經營概況調查》。主要實證目的為分析探討影響攤販利潤率之因素,如攤販的年齡、教育程度、家庭規模大小和社會經濟因素等。本文使用之計量模型為OLS model、Fixed effect model、Random effect model,更一步使用Hausman Test、LM Test及F test選擇適合之解釋模型。 模型估計結果顯示失業率、人口結構-0-14歲(%)、攤販家數、「販售小吃、食品及飲食類(%)」、「販售成衣、被服及布類(%)」對攤販利潤率為顯著負向影響。相反地,平均每戶家庭收支-可支配所得、營運中工廠家數、人口結構-15-64歲(%)、人口密度對攤販利潤率呈現顯著正向影響。 攤販市場主要取決於社會總體經濟因素及消費者行為。本文分析探討台灣攤販的獨特特性。故本文期望所得之實證結果能提供予台灣攤販發展他們的經營策略以及給政府當局政策管理上之建議。隨著當地居民的持續支持,台灣攤販能吸引越來越多的本國及外國遊客。讓台灣攤販成為「城市之美」而不是「城市之瘤」。


攤販 利潤率 橫斷面資料


The data used in this paper are from the “Taiwan street vendors operating and general situation survey”, conducted by Direct and General Budget, Accounting, Statistics and Executive Yuan The main purpose of our empirical analysis is to discuss the factors affecting street vendors profit such as street vendor’s age, education, family size and socio-economic factors. The econometric models used in this research are OLS Model, Fixed Effect Model, Random Effect Model. Moreover, we employ the Hausman Test and LM Test to select the appropriate interpretation model. The estimation results suggest that unemployment rate, the population with 14 years old or below, the number of street vendor, food vendor and clothes vendors have negative effects on the street vendor’s profitability. On the contrary, average household disposable income, number of factories in operation, the population with 15-64 years old and population density have positive influences. The business in street vendors is mainly decided by macro-economic factors and consumer behavior. Our analysis explores the unique characteristics of street vendor industry, so these findings are expected to provide some important implications for street vendors to develop their marketing strategies and for authorities to manage street vendors. Thus, with the continuous support from local residents, street vendor can attract more and more domestic and foreign tourists. As a result, the images of street vendor becomes the “the beauty of city” rather than “the tumor of city”.


street vendor rate of return panel data


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濟論文叢刊》,vol.32, no.1,63-96。
行政院研究考核委員會(1976),「攤販管理與處理之研究」,《研究發展叢刊》,vol. 1, no.


