  • 學位論文


Policy Network and its Application to the Construction Project of Hushan Reservoir

指導教授 : 孫同文


有別於過去傳統的多元主義與統合主義研究途徑無法清楚說明現今國家與社會間複雜的政策制定模式,本研究以政策網絡理論研究途徑來探討實際湖山水庫興建政策的制定。從過去文獻中得知,政策網絡理論的崛起便是由於多元主義與統合主義在應用上的限制。本研究架構為參考Marsh及Smith(2000)的政策網絡辯證模式而來,在探討相關理論與文獻之後,於第三章中針對網絡環境因素以及網絡行動者的立場進行分析;第四章則探討湖山水庫興建個案的網絡運作對政策產出的影響,並對網絡環境、結構、行動者以及政策產出之間的辯證關係作一闡述與解釋,使政策網絡理論更貼近於事實個案。 本研究研究方法主要為文獻分析與深度訪談法,藉由相關靜態與動態資料的分析,回顧整個湖山水庫興建政策的發展。本研究的主要目的為應用政策網絡理論來探索「湖山水庫興建案」所涉及的利害關係人對於此項政策的不同論述與所採取的策略,並分析其在網絡內互動的情形。本研究發現政策網絡辯證模式在本案中有其充分的解釋能力。最後,本研究提出相關研究建議,提供政府或後續研究者在本案網絡治理上的參考依據,為本研究的主要貢獻。


Instead of traditional approaches of pluralism and corporatism, this research applies the concept of policy network to analyze the case of Construction Project of Hushan Reservoir which stresses the importance of complicate interactions between state and society in the policy making process. Literature review has indicated that the reason for the development of the policy network theory is primarily due to the limitations of applying either pluralism or corporatism to explain government decision-making in regulatory policies. The framework of this research refers to Marsh & Smith’s (2000) dialectical model of policy network theory which emphasizes the dialectical relationships between the structure of the network and the agents operating within it; the network and the context within which it operates; and the network and the policy outcome. Through literature review and analyzing data collected from intensive interview, this research attempts to study the development of the Construction Project of Hushan Reservoir by looking at the static and dynamic information together. The purpose of this research is to apply policy network theory in finding out different discourses and strategies made by different stakeholders, and to analyze the interactions among stakeholders within the policy network of Construction Project of Hushan Reservoir. It has been demonstrated that the dialectical model is applicable in explaining the dynamic operations of the policy network. Some policy recommendations have been made to enhancing the governance of the Construction Project of Hushan Reservoir.


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2002 《制度、網絡與政策產出-台中工業區聯外道路案之個案研究》,台中:東海大學公共行政學系碩士論文。


