  • 學位論文

單一企業嵌入產業群體的策略及影響 以某軟體開發公司與門禁產業合作個案分析

The tactics and influence of a single enterprise embedding in industrial groups - A case study of a software developing company cooperating with the entrance guard industry

指導教授 : 施信佑


門禁產業是零散產業,各家廠商以各自獨有的設備通訊協定,確保自已的客戶不被競爭者搶走,做為市場保護機制。由於資訊技術進步,市場開始出現安全設備及資訊的整合需求。門禁廠商以硬體設備的開發、安裝見長,不見長於軟體開發及後台資訊系統整合,因此開始尋求資訊廠商的合作,以滿足客戶的需求。嘉因資訊公司由接受單一門禁廠商委託完全客製化專案的型態,開始門禁管理系統的開發。在累積了門禁系統開發經驗後,與不同的門禁廠商合作,取得其特有的門禁設備的通訊協定,開發出具有整合不同廠牌的前台門禁設備及後台資訊系統能力的套裝門禁系統。並進而以特有的整合能力,協助門禁設備與其他安全防護設備及系統的整合,呼應安全產業的整合趨勢。 本研究透過個案研究的方式,以競爭策略分析門禁產業的競爭及嘉因資訊所採取的策略;以競合策略及交易成本分析門禁廠商願意提供通訊協定,持續與嘉因資訊合作;以核心專長及能力循環分析在合作過程中,嘉因資訊與門禁廠商的能力演化,及嘉因資訊因為能力改變重新在市場定位的過程。


Owning to the entrance-guard-system business tended “Fragmented industry”, the firm provoke themselves as unique protocol system to deface competitor. However, information technology progress and entrance guard market demanded drive these system integrating. On the other hands, the hardware firm of entrance guard system merely specific as device developing and setup but integrated control system and software developing. Under the circumstances drive the hardware firm cooperated with software developer. This study investigates TQuark Information Company as sample case. This company in the begin serve a specific hardware firm for software outsourcing, and then whom obtain lots of verity designing experience is able to develop an universal protocol system for entrance guard. This specific capability filled safety market demanded. This case study not only analyzes the competition of entrance guard industry but also exams competitive strategy of TQuark. More specifically, hardware firm provide the device protocol with TQuark in order to “Co-opetition” and “Transaction cost”. Thought the concept of core capability and ability shift exam TQuark and cooperator, this study found TQuark not only co-evolutes with their cooperators but also re-sharp their market position.


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