  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Mission, Vision and Motivation of Non-Profit Organizations on Employees' Retain to stay: A Case Study of Taiwan Warm Breeze Association

指導教授 : 黃源協


本研究是以非營利組織沐風關懷協會為研究場域,探討組織的使命、願景與激勵內容,對員工留任意願影響之研究,最後針對研究發現,提出對組織有助於員工留任的建議。本研究取向為質性研究,採深度訪談方式做為資料的蒐集與分析,其研究共訪談9位工作超過三年以上員工,因他們對組織的服務價值、運作較有深入瞭解,助於對資料內容的豐富與飽和。 本研究發現:一、新進員工對使命願景會有認知理解落差階段;二、員工實踐使命願景能帶出正向的能力與留任意願的驅動力;三、激勵領導模式對員工產生的影響與留任因素。 本研究對於台灣沐風關懷協會提出建議如下: 一、對組織使命願景知曉率的建議:1.讓組織的服務信念與價值,可以常常看得見;2.使命願景不是嘴上說明,而是每一位員工行動準則;3.領導者常與員工溝通,不斷重複談論使命,傳遞願景;4.主管以身作則實踐使命,帶來員工正向能力。 二、提供安全職場與靈活的激勵方式:1.安全工作環境與遵行勞基法及有升遷制度;2.看重人才培育與傳承;3.主管常主動鼓勵並關心員工心理需求;4.領導者給予明確目標,讓部屬可以用任何方式完成工作;5.創造更多讓員工感受幸福的組織文化;6.因應環境與世代變化,彈性調整組織經營策略。


This study uses the nonprofit organization Taiwan Warm Breeze Association as the research site to investigate the impact of the organization's mission, vision, and motivational content on employee retention, and finally, to propose recommendations for the organization to help their employees stay in their jobs. This study is qualitative in nature, and in-depth interviews were conducted to collect data. Nine employees who had worked for more than three years were interviewed. Their in-depth understanding of the organization's service values and operations helped to enrich the data. The results revealed that 1) there is a cognitive gap between new employees and their mission vision; 2) employees' fulfillment of the mission and vision brings out positive competencies and retention drivers; 3) the impact of motivational leadership model on employees and retention factors. The study proposes the following suggestions for the Taiwan Warm Breeze Association. First, regarding the awareness rate of the organization's mission and vision, the organization's service beliefs and values should be made visible. Mission and vision are not just words but employees’ work guidelines. Leaders should repeat the mission and communicate the vision when communicate with their employees. Supervisors should lead by example to fulfill the mission to bring positive capabilities to their employees. Second, concerning providing a safe working environment and flexible motivation approaches, a safe working environment and a promotion system observing the Labor Standards Act should be provided. It is also suggested leaders should value workforce cultivation and inheritance. Supervisors should often encourage employees and care for their mental needs. Also, leaders should give specific goals to allow their employees to accomplish their work in any possible way. Leaders should cultivate a culture where more employees would feel happy. Leaders should also render flexible organizational management strategies in response to environmental and generational changes.


Non-Profit Organization Mission Vision Motivation Retain


