  • 學位論文


Developing a Real-Time 3d Rendering Engine with an Integrated Scene Management System

指導教授 : 陳履恆


在近代,3D虛擬實境已擁有大量的應用;例如工業上的輔助設計,或是娛樂業的電影CG動畫與近期蓬勃發展的遊戲產業。而在遊戲產業龐大的市場商機下,也讓GPU的發展速度超過了著名的摩爾定律。 雖然GPU擁有龐大的運算能力,然而我們認為,要能有效發揮GPU的運算效能還必須搭配上良好的繪圖引擎。而良好的繪圖引擎必須要有好的場景管理系統;因為即使現在的GPU效能已有很大的提升在即時運算的情況下仍然不能將所有的資料全部送到GPU中進行繪製。因此業界的繪圖引擎為了減少送到GPU處理的資料量都會使用各自的場景管理演算法來進行culling。 一個良好的場景管理系統將能快速的決定場景中的可視物件以減少將不可視物件送入GPU中進行繪製所造成的浪費;帶來的益處即為能有效提高單一frame的場景精緻與複雜度。 因此在一個高效率的繪圖引擎中,場景管理系統將扮演一個非常重要的腳色。然而,在這些商業化的主流繪圖引擎中,通常並不會公開他們的演算法細節。因此我們打算進行研究並公開我們的演算法以降低進入這項領域的門檻。


CSG 場景管理 BSP Tree Portal rendering


In recent years, the virtual 3d system brings many kinds of application. Take something for example, computer-aided design for industry or fantasy CG movies and video games for entertainment. As the markets of video games grow hugely, the improvement of GPU speed is fast than the famous Moore's law. Nowadays GPU can do large data computing; however we think in order to use it well without any wasting, we must have an effective 3D engine for applications. An effective 3D engine must have good scene management system, because GPU still can’t render all objects even its data computing is more powerful than past. To reduce the objects rendered by GPU, most of commercial render engines will use their culling algorithms to achieve the goal. The main purpose of scene management is to fast determine which object is visible in the scene, and save the computing of objects that are invisible. The benefit is that we can render more complex objects and more detail scene in single frame. According to the above reasons, scene management plays an important role in an effective rendering engine. However, the commercial rendering engine will not make their algorithm public. Hence we want to research and development an effective rendering system with integrated scene management algorithm.


CSG Scene management BSP tree portal rendering


BSP tree FAQ
Gordon, D., and Chen, S., Front-to-back display of BSP trees, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 11(5), 79--85, sep 1991.
Sung, K., and Shirley, P., Ray Tracing with the BSP Tree, Graphics Gems III, 271--274, 1992.
