  • 學位論文


Examining the lodging demands of target customers in the Taiwanese international tourist hotels

指導教授 : 陳江明


本研究運用計量經濟聯立方程模型,使用15年旅館縱橫資料(Panel data),建立國際觀光旅館住宿需求模型,分析不同目標顧客群的住宿需求影響因素。根據產值管理觀點,由於旅館在固定產能限制下,廠商應根據顧客需求差異進行市場區隔,針對不同特性之客源進行合理差別取價,以達到利潤最大化之目標。因此研究除評估實務上常見的個別旅客與團體旅客的市場區隔之需求特性外,更進一步嘗試分析以外籍住客與本國住客進行市場區隔之需求特性差異。 研究結果顯示:(一)個別住客在選擇國際觀光旅館取決於服務品質且偏向選擇位於交通便捷且生活機能較佳的市區;(二)團體住客相對於個別住客價格敏感度相對較高且議價能力相對較高,對於團體住客而言,選擇國際觀光旅館取決於客房價格;(三)外籍住客相對於本國住客而言更為注重旅館設備與服務品質,較偏向選擇座落於生活機能較好且交通便捷的都會區觀光旅館為主;(四)本國住客則偏向選擇鄰近旅遊景點且座落於市區生活機能較好的觀光旅館為主。因此建議國際觀光旅館以「品質」為主要經營理念,並依據消費顧客群之需求特性的不同,研擬不同行銷策略以吸引各個市場區隔的消費族群,進而提升競爭優勢創造自身的利潤。


The purpose of this study is to examine the lodging demands of different target customers in the Taiwanese international tourist hotel industry. Fifteen years of panel data are used while a simultaneous-equation model is employed. The basic idea behind yield management is that the price discrimination is applied to customers in the different market segments under the capacity constrained in hotel industry. Thus, this study not only estimates the hotel room demand of individual lodgers and group lodgers, but also examines the hotel room demand of domestic lodgers and foreign lodgers. The empirical results are summarized as (1) individual lodgers choose hotel base on service quality, and prefer to accommodate hotels nearby the city center;(2) group lodgers is more sensitive to room rate than individual lodgers. Group lodgers choose hotel base on room rate given a certain level of hotel quality;(3) foreign lodgers emphasize the hotel equipment and the service quality and tend to choose the hotels in urban area due to traffic convenient as compared with domestic lodgers ; (4) domestic lodgers tend to choose hotels nearby sightseeing spot and the city center. According to the above findings, this study makes suggestion for the international tourist hotels to take “quality” as their operation objective. Hence, hotels attract the customers of each market segments by designing the marketing strategy to strength competitivity and improve profit.


交通部觀光局 (2009), “臺灣地區國際觀光旅館營運分析報告”, 台北: 交通部觀光局。
交通部觀光局, 交通部觀光局行政資訊系統, “觀光旅館業管理規則”, http://admin.taiwan.net.tw/law/law_d.aspx?no=130&d=445。
交通部觀光局, 交通部觀光局行政資訊系統 (1995-2009), “臺灣地區觀光旅館營運統計月報”, http://admin.taiwan.net.tw/statistics/month2.aspx?no=194。
交通部觀光局(2010), “中華民國98年來臺旅客消費及動向調查報告”, 台北: 交通部觀光局。


