  • 學位論文


The Study of Higher Education Internationalization Policy Analysis and Strategies in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林松柏


隨著國際化浪潮的影響,透過交通便利性以及網際網路之傳遞,國與國之間的藩籬不再只侷限於實質上的距離,不論文化、經濟、政治抑或是教育各國可謂牽一髮而動全身。而高等教育可謂一國人才培育之搖籃,所培育之人才牽動國家政治、經濟以及文化等面向,故高等教育國際化政策其重要性無待研究者解釋。本研究之研究目的有三,分別為:一、瞭解高等教育國際化之發展脈絡做為現今臺灣國際化政策施行之方向;二、基於利害關係人觀點,針對臺灣高等教育國際化進行政策分析;三、依據研究結果,為臺灣高等教育國際化政策提供改善建議。 本研究旨在瞭解高等教育國際化之意涵與現況,針對當前臺灣高等教育國際化政策之問題,藉由相關文獻探討,研究者梳理出當前臺灣高等教育國際化之問題可分為政策、機構,以及人員等三個層面。本研究則將高等教育國際化政策利害關係人分為政策制定者、政策執行者以及政策監督者三方,進而從利害關係人之觀點探究其對臺灣高等教育國際化政策的可能影響。 本研究利用內容分析法以及文字探勘做為研究方法,文件來源為立法院議事暨公報管理系統之立法院公報,而所採取文字探勘之分析流程主要有:擷取文字、界定分詞、定義停用詞、建立文字矩陣、計算詞頻,以及塑模等六步驟。從利害關係人觀點,瞭解國際化教育政策影響因素,最後再針對前述之研究目的運用教育政策分析觀點剖析高等教育國際化脈絡,為我國高等教育國際化政策提供參考與建議。 本研究以長條圖、文字雲以及相關矩陣呈現2012年至2017年之高等教育國際化關注面向分析,並以集群分析、主題分析以及網絡分析呈現2012年至2017年之高等教育國際化議題脈絡分析。研究結果發現,利害關係人著重經費補助、各面向合作、人才培養等議題,以及臺灣高等教育國際化的發展可分為計畫、執行以及興革三階段。根據研究結果,進而擬定政策、機構以及人員三層面之策略發展,分別為:一、以三年為期,奠定臺灣高等教育國際化新市場之定位;二、深化臺灣高等教育國際化新市場之定位,並力創永續發展;三、各利害關係人齊心發展、各司其職,共同培養國際化一流人才。 本研究所得之結論有三,分別為:一、傳統高等教育國際化政策無法滿足當前全球的快速變遷,尋找創新轉型已為無法避免之趨勢;二、利害關係人於政策制定到監督過程中,影響層面甚廣;三、高等教育國際化政策應以創新為主軸,各利害關係人應相互銜接合作、多方溝通,以避免政策受多方角力而偏離其軌道。並依據上述結論分別從政策、機構、人員以及未來研究予以建議。


With the influence of the international tide, through the convenience of transport and the transmission of the Internet, the barriers between countries are no longer confined to a substantial distance, regardless of culture, economy, politics, or education. It can be described that one small mistake can cause a chain reaction between countries. Higher education plays an important role for a country to cultivate the talents. The cultivated talents affect the political, economic and cultural aspects of a country. It is needless to say that the importance of the country's higher education internationalization policy. The purposes of this study are stated as follows: 1. To understand the context of the higher education internationalization development as the direction of the implementation of the international policy in Taiwan; 2. Based on the views of stakeholders, to analyze the higher education internationalization policy in Taiwan; 3. Based on the findings, to provide suggestions for improving the internationalization policy of higher education in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to understand the meaning and current situation of the higher education internationalization. In view of the current international policy of higher education in Taiwan, by literature review, the researcher sorts out the current higher education internationalization in Taiwan. That can be divided into three dimensions: policy, institutions, and personnel. This study divides the stakeholders of internationalization policy of higher education into policy makers, policy implementers and policy supervisors, and then explores the possible impacts of higher education policy internationalization in Taiwan. The research methods of this study are content analysis and text mining. The analysis document is from the Legislative Yuan Gazette, and the analysis process of text mining is: retrieving text, defining words, defining stop words, calculating text matrixes, word frequency, and modeling. By the view of educational policy analysis, based on the perspective of stakeholders, this study aims to understand the impact of international education policy factors, and the context of higher education internationalization, and provide accommodations for the higher education internationalization policy in Taiwan. Applying the bar chart, the word cloud and the correlation matrix, this study described the higher education internationalization from 2012 to 2017. Applying the cluster analysis, the topic analysis and the network analysis, this study described the higher education internationalization context from 2012 to 2017. The results found that stakeholders focus on funding, cooperation and training talents, and the development of higher education internationalization on three stages: planning, implementation and changing. According to the results, this study further developed strategies of the policy, institutions and personnel: 1. Period of three years, locate new markets the higher education internationalization in Taiwan;2. Deepen the positioning new markets of higher education internationalization in Taiwan, and strive for sustainable development; 3. The stakeholders should cooperate, perform their duties, and jointly cultivate international first-class talents. There are three conclusions of this study: 1. Traditional higher education internationalization policy can not meet the current rapid changes in the world, that can be avoided the trend of innovation and transformation; 2. Stakeholders have wide impacts in the process of policy-making to influence; 3. The higher education internationalization policy should be based on innovation, and all stakeholders should be mutual cooperation and multi-communication to avoid the policy being deviated by the multi-wrestling. And according to the conclusions, this study recommended to the policy, institutions, personnel and future research.

