  • 學位論文


Rapid Analysis to Determine Cooking Oil through Spectrometer

指導教授 : 程德勝


本研究是探討初步使用紅外線光譜儀來檢測市售食用油,因為台灣再次爆出一系列的重大食品安全問題事件。連續數年的大量食品安全事件與「黑心食品」的出現使得台灣社會乃至有關國家地區都產生了擔憂。台灣民眾對食品安全也感到擔憂,形成一系列後續影響黑心油事件(橄欖油品摻銅葉綠素、地溝油、飼料油、工業用油)混充食用油等。 本實驗是以市面上鹹酥雞攤油炸油作為量測數據、油炸過程油質油清澈變黑,主觀是用肉眼來看油質的顏色和用簡易的方式讓消費者自行把關使用光譜儀器來簡測分析用光的可見光波長來量測判別油品的優劣作為依據指標,感度和快速準確量測的光譜儀器,來精準偵測油品的好壞有沒有混油可藉由光譜儀器來看量測的範圍可見光的坡長來做為判別的依據。


This study was to investigate the preliminary testing of commercially available oil, because Taiwan broke again a series of major food safety issue event. For several years a large number of food safety incidents and "black-hearted food" makes the emergence of Taiwan society and relevant countries and regions have had concerns. Taiwan people are concerned about food safety, forming a series of subsequent events affect the evil oil (olive oil mixed with copper chlorophyll products, cooking oil, feed oil, industrial oil) Hunchong cooking oil. The experiment is based on the market share of salty fried chicken frying oil as measured data,frying oil deterioration by the superior subjective point of view with the naked eye oil colors and with a simple way for consumers to use their own checks spectrometer Brief analysis to measure light in the visible wavelength to measure as the basis for determining the merits of the oil index,sensitivity and quick and accurate measurement of miniature spectrometers (Miniature spectrometer) to accurately detect good or bad there is no contaminated oil can borrow measured by the spectrometer view of slope length range of visible light to do based discrimination.


[1] 傳統製油過程,臺中市沙鹿區深波圖書館。
網址: http://library.shalu.gov.tw/book-s2/ch05/ch05-5.htm
(檢索日期: 2014/6/20)。
[2] 陳正士,台灣食用油產業經營策略之研究。逢甲大學,碩士論文(2014)。
[3] 陳慧芬、洪純安, 食用油脂-油炸油之探討。水產食品20(1989),19-43頁。
