  • 學位論文


The Change of Jiangnan's Gentry in the Ming-Qing Dynastic Transition

指導教授 : 唐立宗


本文以明末清初江南地區的士大夫家族為研究對象,探討鄉紳自明代晚期接連經歷民眾叛亂、奴變,以及鼎革動盪。迨入清代後,又遭逢江南奏銷案、哭廟案、通海案等事件,其適應與變遷的過程。 本文分為兩部分,第一部分旨在辨析江南家族的特質,確認明代崛起的新興家族多先以舉業發跡,才有宗族意識,以望族自居,繼而敬宗收族,編纂族譜、修建祠堂、設置義田,自詡為文化世族,惟其宗族結構鬆散,宗族之內未見強大的支配力。 第二部分則以線性的方式,分別敘述明代晚期、明清交替時期,及清代初期的江南士大夫家族。在明代晚期的部分,考察鄉紳與民眾的互動,明代的鄉紳具有優免特權,民眾遂將土地投獻、詭寄至鄉紳名下,以逃避差徭。當明朝政局危在旦夕,鄉紳特權不再穩固之時,民眾與鄉紳的關係亦漸趨緊張。而鄉紳發現其權利不會因易代而斷絕時,便轉而向清廷合作,共同打擊這些危害鄉里秩序的因子。 在明清交替時期,主要描述鄉紳的逃難過程,探討鄉紳避鄉或避城的選擇依據,及其在城鄉間的生活圖景。本文並分析鄉紳面臨易代時的心境轉換,及其與新政權的互動。 清代初期,本文將視角放在鄉紳與賦役制度的關聯,尤其改朝易代對於順從的鄉紳影響不大,許多鄉紳仍延續舊朝的惡習,逋欠抗糧,以致順治末期終爆發江南奏銷案,嚴厲地要求鄉紳完納錢糧,鄉紳受到極大的衝擊,行為模式亦有所改變,在這樣的契機下,「均田均役」的改革也得以完成。本文在最後,另介紹清代崛起的新興士大夫家族,兼論其與明代士大夫的不同。


The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of Jiangnan's gentry (江南士大夫) in the Ming-Qing dynastic transition. This thesis are two subjects: the first part of study is the relationship between clan organizations and the imperial examination system (科舉制度), and the second part investigates the power of Jiangnan's gentry in the Ming-Qing dynastic transition. The first chapter discusses the formation of Jiangnan clan. The Jiangnan's literati wanted to have a united clan organizations, because many members of family got success in civil service examinations. They forged a fake genealogy and built ancestral hall, so their clan organization is still a pseudo clan (擬制宗族). The second to fourth chapters turns to the other side. In the middle-late Ming dynasty, the gentry can exempt from certain corvee and taxes. In order to survive or escape from corvee, common people sought refuge with the gentry. Therefore, many people pretended to be tenants. When the political unrest, conflict between the gentry and common people tended to become more and more radical. In addition, this study also examines the process of fleeing Jiangnan's gentry, and their interaction with the new government. In the early Qing Dynasty, the central government abolished the old policy, as a result, the tax evasion case occurred in Jiangnan (江南奏銷案). The Jiangnan's gentry lost power and paid their taxes in time. At the same time, The local government of Songjiang implemented new policies—the equal field equal service system (均田均役), thus the behavioral patterns of Jiangnan's gentry significantly changed. Finally the last part of the thesis explores the rise of Jiangnan's gentry in the Qing Dynasty.


