  • 學位論文


An Interactive Jazz Improvisation System Based on Motion Sensor and MIDI

指導教授 : 陳恒佑
共同指導教授 : 張克寧(Keh-Ning Chang)


爵士樂是一種十分迷人的音樂流派,因為爵士樂中充滿了即興演奏的獨特演奏方式,讓爵士樂成為一種獨樹一幟的音樂。要擁有優秀的即興演奏能力不僅需要深入的研究樂理更需要大量時間的練習,唯有如此才能有所成就。 本論文旨於設計一個互動式的爵士即興系統。系統利用動作感測設備、MIDI鍵盤以及手機作為輸入的裝置,使用者只須透過改變動作、按壓MIDI鍵盤上的琴鍵或是觸碰手機應用程式上的按鈕就能夠產生一段優美的旋律,再搭配著爵士鼓及Bass的伴奏即為一首美妙的爵士歌曲。系統使用演算法作曲的技巧在不同的和弦底下選擇適合的音階,並從音階中挑選出適當的音符來產生旋律,使用者即使沒有任何音樂的基礎訓練也能透過本系統享受即演奏的樂趣。


Jazz is an intriguing and fascinating music genre, and it is all about improvisation that makes jazz music so unique. Being a good improviser not only needs to know complicated music theories but also requires lots of practice. This paper describes the design of an interactive jazz improvisation system, using MIDI keyboard, motion sensor, and phone app as input devices. The only thing that users should do is make a gesture, press any key on MIDI keyboard or click any button on the phone to generate melody over accompaniment of rhythm section. This system uses algorithmic composition approach to generate melodies based on scale notes under a chord being played. Users who have minimum understanding about music theories can still enjoy the pleasure of improvisation.


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