  • 學位論文


The effect of augmented-reality-based self-portrait system on travel behavior

指導教授 : 戴榮賦


台灣觀光產業的發展已經達到成熟,但是要如何持續保持現有的觀光客並且吸引更多潛在觀光客是一個很重要的課題。而近年來逐漸受到矚目的擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)技術能帶給人樂趣以及彷彿置身其中的感受。因此,本研究針對日月潭玄奘寺開發擴增實境系統,並且實地驗證觀光客操作擴增實境系統的「體驗價值」對「旅遊意象」、「行為意向」之影響。本研究以結構方程模式衡量各變數之間的因果關係,其結果發現:1.擴增實境系統的「遠距臨場感」、「易用性」和「有用性」對「體驗價值」有正面的顯著影響;2.觀光客操作擴增實境所感受的「體驗價值」對「旅遊意象」和「使用者態度」皆有正面的顯著影響;3.觀光客的「旅遊意象」對「行為意向」有正面顯著影響;4.「有用性」和「使用者態度」對「使用者使用意圖」有正面的顯著影響;5.「易用性」直接正面顯著影響「使用者態度」。最後,本研究根據結果提出實務意涵以及未來研究方向之建議。


In this study, an augmented-reality-based self-portrait system was developed. Moreover, a theoretical model regarding the influence of the system on tourist behaviors was proposed and empirically examined. Our model is supported by the empirically data. Our main findings are as follows: (1) telepresence, easy of use, and usefulness all have significant positive influence on user’s attitude. (2) Experienced value has significant positive influence on destination image and user’s attitude regarding the system. (3) Destination image has significant positive influence on intention to the destination. (4) TAM is partially supported. In Conclusion, several practical suggestions are also pro-vided.


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