  • 學位論文


A Study on the Causes and Connotations of the “Natural Independence” Phenomenon

指導教授 : 莊國銘


本文所欲分析者如題所示,為「天然獨」現象之內涵及成因,尤以後者為重;對「天然獨」之內涵僅是簡單梳理,目的是為了界定分析對象,以便分析成因。 本文首先針對「天然獨」的概念進行釐清,「天然獨」的核心不是「獨立」,而是「反統」。接著整理民族主義與政治社會化的相關研究,並分別爬梳了國人的國族認同以及台灣的政治發展史。國族認同的部分著重在認同的變遷以及針對「維持現狀」這一立場做分析,政治發展史則是以李登輝時代作為分析的起點,原因在於李登輝總統對台灣的國族認同變遷以及「天然獨」現象的出現有著極為重要的影響。最後便是,以民族主義與政治社會化兩種途徑作為分析架構,從台灣的政治發展史中探索使「天然獨」成形的重要因素。 研究結果顯示,「天然獨」現象的形成,可以從民族主義以及政治社會化兩種角度加以解釋。最終得出結論:「天然獨」既不「天然」,也未必主張「獨立」,它是建構而成的產物,是在環境與種種因素、條件交互作用之下產生的現象。


As shown in the title, this paper would analyze is the causes and connotations of the "natural independence" phenomenon, especially the causes. It simply figures out the connotations of "natural independence" so that the author could define the object of analysis in order to investigate the causes. In the first place, this paper clarifies the concept of "natural independence", which reveals that the core of "natural independence" is not "independence" but "anti-reunification". Secondly, it sorts out the relevant studies on nationalism and political socialization, and separately investigates the compatriots’ national identity and the history of Taiwan’s political development. The part about national identity focuses on the changing of the identity and the position of "maintain the status quo". Furthermore, the starting point for the analysis of history of political development is the Lee Teng-Hui era, in this case the reason is that President Lee Teng-Hui had an important impact not only on the changing of Taiwan’s national identity, but also on the emergence of "natural independence" phenomenon. Lastly, it explores the main factors of "natural independence" phenomenon through Taiwan's political development based on nationalism and political socialization. The results reveal that the formation of the "natural independence" phenomenon could be explained via the perspectives of nationalism and political socialization. Finally, it comes to the conclusion: "Natural independence" is neither "naturally occurring" nor necessary advocate "independence". However, it is a product of construction, which is a phenomenon that occurs under the interaction of the environment and various factors and conditions.


Anderson, Benedict著,吳叡人譯,2010,《想像的共同體:民族主義的起源與散布》,台北:時報文化。
