在傳統的IEEE 802.16 網路中,Base Station (BS)下的Subscriber Station (SS)是固定不動的,而之後在2006 年提出了IEEE 802.16e 讓SS 增加了具行動能力並稱之Mobile Subscriber Station (MSS)。目的是希望可以提供一個高頻寬及具移動性的無線寬頻都會網路,然而面對行動設備如MSS,主要的電力來源為電池,自然能源節省就成為一個不可或缺的條件,在IEEE 802.16e 標準裡的有針對能源節省機制中作了基本訂定,然而原有的標準中並沒有考慮當時網路負載的變化量來做有效地調整,因此我們之前的研究提出根據網路流量負載變化的去訂定省電機制(Load Based Power Saving, LBPS),然而考量到節能減碳的全球議題,如果在考量行動設備進行省電之流量分配,同時面對流量負載並沒有很重時,也思考提供行動設備連接之基地台有休眠之機會,相信能進一步讓省電機制有更高之省電效能。因此如果同時針對MSS與BS進行整合省電機制,除了可以節省電池電力之外,基地台之高耗電量也可以有效作節省,本篇論文提出了兩種策略方式針對基地台(BS)與行動設備(MSS)一同運作省電機制之排程設計,分別以MSS為觀點希望達成最大MSS省電量再一同達成BS節能,以及以BS省電目標為主導,希望能夠達成我們預先訂定的節能目標,期望可以進一步有效節省能源,論文中也透過模擬分析的結果,可以看出我們所提出的機制其power saving將有不錯之成效,並且仍然提供原有IEEE 802.16行動網路上有效之資料傳輸功能。
In traditional IEEE 802.16 networks, Subscriber Station (SS) is fixed in Base Station (BS), while in IEEE 802.16e, the networks created in 2006, SS was equipped with mobility and known as Mobile Subscriber Station (MSS). The objective of MSS is to provide wireless broadband networks with high bandwidth as well as mobility. However, the main source of electricity for mobile devices, such as MSS, comes from batteries. Energy saving therefore has become a critical issue. Basic standards have been set up for the energy saving mechanisms in the IEEE 802.16e networks, but the existing energy saving standard does not take into account the changes in network load to effectively adjust the amount of power saving accordingly. To modify the standards, we proposed Load Based Power Saving (LBPS), a power saving scheme based on network traffic load, in our previous research. Furthermore, considering the global carbon emission issue, we suggest a supplementary method to raise the power saving efficiency by applying sleep mode to Base Station, along with power saving mechanism on MSS in response to network traffic load. That is, if we could integrate the power saving mechanism of MSS and BS, not only could we save on the batteries power, but we could aggressively reduce Base Station’s power consumption. In this thesis, we show the scheduling of integrating the power saving mechanism of BS and MSS at the first stage. We expect to see a progress on power saving by combing the two. In the later stage, through the result of simulation analysis, the mechanism we suggested by applying dormancy mode to Base Station has a significant result on power saving. In the mean time, IEEE 802.16 mobile networks still sustain the data transmission function effectively under the integrated power saving mechanism we suggest.